Natural Ways You Can Stop Hair Fall

One cannot tolerate excessive hair fall or unwanted hair loss, it can lead to baldness or reduce the amount of hair. There are many reasons for hair fall, find out those reasons so that you can take proper care of hair. It is the most important part of human beauty so maintain it with natural or effective methods. With increasing pollution and toxic air in the environment, other factors like lifestyle stress, following fashion trends, hormonal imbalance, unbalanced diet are also prone to hair damage. Follow the below mentioned home remedies to control the damage naturally. If you want to regrow your hair naturally, then follow these tips for long and healthy hair.

hot oil massage

Massaging your scalp with hot oil is one of the best ways to improve the blood flow to the hair follicle cells so that they get proper nutrition. Temporary hair fall can be due to lifestyle stress, massaging the scalp with hot oil also relieves stress and increases the strength of your hair roots. Heat some oil like bhringraj, almond, coconut oil and gently massage your scalp with your fingers to increase blood circulation to the hair cell.

Fenugreek boosts hair growth

Fenugreek or fenugreek is rich in hormone precursors that help in the growth and improvement of hair follicles. These seeds are also rich in proteins which strengthen the hair roots and promote growth. Soak 1 teaspoon fenugreek seeds overnight, next morning grind it to make a fine paste. Then apply fenugreek paste on your scalp and leave it for 30-45 minutes or you can also cover it with a show over cover. Wash off with plenty of water, no need to use shampoo.

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stop hair fall with aloe vera

Aloe vera is another effective remedy for hair fall, which has antibacterial, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory properties that reduce problems like hair fall and itching. The mild alkaline property of aloe vera helps in maintaining the natural pH level of the scalp as a result of which new follicles develop. It can also be effective for fighting dandruff. Extract aloe vera gel from an aloe vera leaf and apply it on the scalp. Leave it for 30-45 minutes and wash the hair with normal water. Follow this treatment 3 – 4 times a week for better results.

Beet juice for hair health

Beetroot is rich in nutrients like phosphorus, potassium, calcium, vitamin-B complex and vitamin-C, which are essential nutrients for the body. hair growth, You can drink beetroot juice daily for healthy growth. Alternatively, apply a thick paste of beetroot on the scalp and leave it for 30-45 minutes. Wash off with water. Follow these tips at least twice a week for better growth.

Stop hair fall with reetha and shikakai

Reetha is also known as soapy nuts which cleanses the scalp and also helps in eliminating any infection on the scalp. Shikakai has deep conditioning abilities that nourish hair and prevent breakage. You can use reetha and shikakai together to control hair fall and increase new hair growth. Both the ingredients work perfectly as a hair cleanser. Take equal quantity of reetha and shikakai and make a fine powder of both the ingredients. Soak the mixer overnight and apply on the scalp and leave it for 1 hour. Wash it off with normal water. Use this remedy 2-3 times a week for better hair growth and also it gives shine to your hair.

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These simple tips can help you prevent and treat excessive hair damage. Keep hair healthy with these remedies that control hair fall.

Source by Shweta Pathania

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