Advantages and Disadvantages of Ab Circle Pro – A Critical Review

The Ab Circle Pro is a piece of exercise equipment that is known to provide a complete core body workout. Basically, this exercise unit works in a circular motion. You rotate your body from side to side to focus on different muscles, while stretching out your midsection and toning your body from chest down to hips.

The makers of the amazing product advertise that this twisting motion will work your central abdominal muscles, as well as tone your love handles, rear end and upper legs, otherwise known as your core. The company further claims that the muscles around your hips and chest will receive secondary benefits along with your workout. There are advantages and disadvantages to the Ab Circle Pro.

One advantage is that this piece of equipment is quite unique in that the way you will be working your abdominal muscles is quite different from the way other abdominal machines work. It’s a great way to challenge your body and get it out of a plateau holding pattern. Another advantage of the product is the fact that it can get you off the floor. The way it is used is on a raised surface, with the exercise basically being done in the air. It adds to the difference in feel, making using this machine a fun workout.

The Ab Circle Pro also has the disadvantage that it is unique. Those who do not want to try something new will not benefit from this device. It can also be a bit difficult to use. It just takes some time to learn how to use it. If you don’t have much motivation to get started, learning to use this machine will be a turn-off.

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If used properly, this machine can give you the workout it promises. Whether it’s right for you depends on your exercise motivation and personality.

Source by James V Lunden

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