Alenka Bicker workout for well toned thighs and sexy hips

Who is Alenka Bikar and what is she known for?

Alenka Bikar is a Slovenian sprinter who competed in the 200 meters in track and field from 1997 to 2005 and is currently retired. The reason she gets so much attention is because she is known for having one of the sexiest butts of all women. Just go to Google and type in her name and you will surely see tons of posts and articles about this lady’s rear end. But not only does what she does work her butt, it also helps her have nice toned thighs and some sexy hips.

Alenka Bikar’s secret to well-toned thighs and sexy hips?

Well this secret is actually not that much of a secret as not everyone knows what it does, however few women know that it helps tone the thighs and slim the hips. Alenkar is a track and field competitor and has not run long distance marathons. She runs 200 meters which requires her to sprint completely for a short period of time. These quick bursts of speed to move her body give her a great butt and legs to die for. If you don’t think the fast running she does is the reason for her nice thighs and hips, look at most female sprinters. Almost all of them are not only in tip top shape but their legs, thighs and hips are well toned and well defined.

Why sprinting vs jogging for toned thighs and hips

Jogging for starters doesn’t really work your gluteus maximus enough to cause a change, however it focuses more on working the muscle harder than when you sprint because the glutes are the largest muscles in the body. are one of the With that being said, it does require an explosive type of movement in order to contract it excessively. Many people would suggest that squats would do the same thing although you are more likely to build mass rather than firming. Sprinting will develop both your glutes and hamstring area and help you build up your thighs and butt so that everything is in equal proportion and gives you a nice sexy look.

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Fly in the air to show off your amazing thighs and hips

The first thing you need to do when you sprint is to make sure that you are relaxing your shoulders and don’t follow the mistake that many others make by shrugging their shoulders while running. Another tip is to make sure that when you are running you want to make sure that your feet barely touch the ground. If you look at some of the top runners, you’ll notice that their feet never actually touch the ground. They will barely touch the ground with their feet before they are back in the air again, almost as if they are flying.

Sprinting Workout Like Alenka Bicker and Other Female Sprinters

As with any high intensity workout you want to make sure you warm up, so before starting this workout you should jog for about 100-150 meters, then stop and return to the starting position. Next time you want to increase your speed to a brisk pace and then walk back. You’ll want to increase your intensity level each time you return to the starting position.

In the fourth round you should start by jogging about 20 yards and when you touch the 20 yard mark you should go out as fast as possible. This is known as a “running start” and will help prevent the possibility of pulling any of your muscles. Go back to the starting point at a nice brisk pace and do this 2-4 more times. Trust me you have the best butt, slimmest hips, and best toned thighs you could ever imagine.

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Source by Thomas S Moore

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