Are You Hurting, Having a Hard Time Walking, No Energy or Just Plain Can’t Poop?

Are you struggling in middle age? Or older? Trying to “eat well” and not finding the sweet spot of your perfect weight and digesting well?

I am here to help. Especially if you have a familial disease. Why? Because I have one that I have successfully managed for many years.

Can you imagine wanting to sleep 18 hours of every day? Are you missing out on fun, and can’t do the things you want?

Showing you how to eat is important, because this will solve any issues you have like poor night-time sleeping, poor digestion and always being hungry and can’t figure out how the vegans do it, and look so good?

Some of us cannot be vegan, so finding your best proteins will help you digest better and feel fit at any age.

Don’t wait to get this valuable information. Looking and feeling good is the goal. Not looking good and not feeling good have answers.

My 80-year-old-friend lost 90 pounds in 5 months, and found she only needed two meals a day. Wouldn’t you like to not be hungry?

The “zone” diet is also part of my coaching. Whether you are low carb, low fat, or in the middle with Balanced eating or Mediterranean eating. There is a test that will tell you.

Which nutrients do you need to concentrate on supplementing and which nutrients or even caffeine can cause non-fatal heart attacks if you supplement these?

Which kind of exercise do you need?

How am I going to be satisfied? I know, I was always hungry. I developed several recipes that you can try to see which work better for you.

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This is going to be too much work. No, not really if you don’t mind eating just a protein and a vegetable.

Support your body with the nutrients it needs so you can run your metabolic pathways efficiently. Don’t wait to feel good.

There is another test which will tell you your exact foods to eat. Great help if you want to expedite your path to wellness. Certainly I will help you decide which foods you can eat.

Two tests so far. Three if you need to know your blood type.

So, did you know that you can feel satisfied with a palm sized portion of protein? The goal is 4-5 hours during the day and overnight intermittent fasting. Try for 15 hours. This will help your body reset, and you may find you sleep better.

Get started now. And you will feel fit at any age.

Source by Kristi S Tornabene

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