Arthritis – Get Rid of That Pain

Arthritis is a term that is widely used to describe a number of conditions affecting the musculoskeletal system. There are different types of arthritis: osteo-arthritis, which is caused by wear and tear on the joints, and rheumatoid arthritis, which is an autoimmune disease where the immune system attacks the body’s joints.

The most common type is osteoarthritis and symptoms can include pain, joint swelling, and stiffness affecting the range of motion in the joint. These symptoms can also be similar so it can be confusing if you are suffering from rheumatoid arthritis. Other symptoms you may suffer as a result of the first set mentioned above may include lack of sleep, weight gain and even gastro-intestinal problems, which are often caused by drugs that You are taking it to treat symptoms of gout. Some things you can do to naturally relieve pain, swelling, and stiffness will also help relieve those secondary symptoms.

You have to remember that diet has a significant impact on your health. Weight gain can be a side effect of arthritis because pain can hinder your activity level, which is why it’s important to try and stay active. Eating lots of fruits and vegetables and limiting meat, grains, and dairy can help. Sensitivities to foods can play a big role in arthritis, so be aware of what you are allergic to and which sensitivities may be causing inflammation in your body. Obviously, if your arthritis problem increases after some time after consuming certain foods, then you should eliminate those foods.

Exercise will help you reduce the weight you are gaining and increase circulation and flexibility in the muscles, thereby strengthening them. However the type of exercise is important as running around and lifting weights will only serve to increase your pain. Exercise should be light to moderate such as tai chi, water exercises such as hydrotherapy, aerobics or swimming. A heated pool will relax the couples. Walking is also good, especially short walks at times that suit you throughout the day. Yoga is also great for joint mobility, but make sure you consult a trained teacher, especially if your condition is severe.

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Massage can be a great way to get relief from pain and inflammation. Try some aromatherapy oils to get relief from the pain. Some good suggestions are to add 2 drops each of ginger, juniper and black pepper to 10 ml of a carrier oil such as grape seed or jojoba. Gently massage around painful joints to reduce stiffness and swelling. Alternatively, you can mix 2 drops each of lavender, rosemary and chamomile in 10 ml of carrier oil and massage into the painful area to reduce pain. Also, a nice warm bath with Epsom salt, plain salt and/or essential oils will be relaxing and help induce sleep.

There are also many herbs and spices that can help treat arthritis. Some of these are ginger root, turmeric and boswellia. Talk to your naturopath about which natural treatment would be right for you. Don’t just self-medicate via Google or the local health food store. Natural health care doesn’t just mean buying a bottle of supplement off the shelf. It takes years of study to get it right.

Source by Jenetta Haim

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