average weight gain during menstruation – getting rid of weight due to menstruation

There are many problems associated with menstruation such as cramps, lightheadedness and restlessness. Another problem is weight gain during menstruation. Many women report that they suddenly gain weight during their ‘periods’. But it has been observed that the weight gain during this time is usually very minor and temporary as well. However, there are many ways that help you get rid of it.

Here are a few of them:

Take a plant based diet. Eat fruits and vegetables as much as possible. You can take acai berry diet. This fruit is really beneficial in weight loss. It also provides you with all the essential nutrients. This diet will increase your energy level tremendously.

You should be active. You may feel lethargic during periods but if you involve yourself in some or the other activity then weight gain can be avoided.

Another thing that can prove beneficial in getting rid of the increased weight during menstruation is colon cleansing. It helps in flushing out all the impurities and harmful toxins from your body. However, you should not use chemical based harsh cleansers at this stage. You can choose some home remedies for this. For example, taking honey lemon detox drink, drinking 10 glasses of water daily, drinking green tea etc.

There are many factors that are responsible for weight gain during menstruation. Understanding these will help you avoid this problem. Here is a brief description of some of them:

, Eat: Some women feel that their eating habits change during those days. The truth is that the changes are not huge. For example, women tend to consume about 100 – 200 more calories in the days leading up to their period. This is due to a slight increase in their metabolism.

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, food cravingsStudies have shown that food cravings are more common in women with premenstrual syndrome (PMS). PMS is a set of symptoms that occur 1 to 2 weeks before periods. These usually go away with the onset of periods after some time. As these symptoms worsen, the craving for food increases. But this does not increase the calories much.

, water retention: This is an important reason for weight gain during menstruation. This can be prevented by following a properly structured diet plan. The weight gain is also slight and temporary. Water retention can be further reduced by making small dietary changes such as reducing sodium intake and increasing fluid intake.

Source by Anna Holman

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