Avoid the 3 S’s (Salt, Sugar and Sec) for Healthy Weight Loss

how to lose weight

A reader of the God, diet, fitness, and weight loss blog, Deb said in a recent post that her doctor advised her to start shedding some much-needed pounds to avoid the 3S and improve her health. This is great advice if you want to lose weight, improve your health and live a longer active life. The 3s help you add pounds while wreaking havoc on your immune system, making you more vulnerable to many diseases including heart disease, cancer, diabetes (the 3 deadliest diseases).

avoid salt

Our body needs salt. The problem is that we consume too much salt. The recommended intake of salt is between 500 and 2,400 milligrams. Optimally we should consume between 1500 and 2000 mg per day. Unfortunately most Americans consume 5 times the required amount. This excess sodium causes heart problems, high blood pressure, calcium deficiency, increased chances of certain cancers, kidney failure and a long list of health problems, not to mention weight gain and even obesity. Being obese and overweight adds another long list of potential health problems. So if you avoid excessive sodium intake, you improve your health and reduce your risk of becoming overweight. Note that reducing your intake of excess sodium only reduces your risk of becoming overweight, it doesn’t burn fat after you’ve already gained a lot of weight. You must exercise to burn fat and build muscle.

avoid sugar

All types of processed sugar and substitutes are bad for you, not just table sugar. Like salt, sugar is necessary for our body to function properly. Not processed simple sugars, but complex carbohydrates that our bodies convert into the energy they need to do anything. Our consumption of sugar or substitutes is far worse than our consumption of salt. Sugar is in all processed foods. Sugar, the number one additive in all processed foods, is also the most addictive drug we can take. You have a craving for something sweet. It’s not because it’s good for you or for you. This is because your body craves sugar like a drug or alcohol. This addiction causes cancer, diabetes, heart disease, obesity and more deadly diseases. So limit the intake of sugar to stay healthy. Eating sugar is the number one cause of death. It slowly wears down your body down to the cellular level, while it wrecks your immune system and adds unusable fat. Obesity kills. Limit all forms of sugar and lose weight while improving your health. Don’t forget to exercise.

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escape seconds

This is simple Don’t eat too much Large portions only add extra which becomes indigestible thus making you overweight. You don’t lose weight just by eating less. This is a news flash for many. But you stop getting the benefits by eating less. You will also improve your health immeasurably. One thing is for sure, you will consume less salt and sugar by avoiding the seconds. Healthy weight loss involves eating healthy and getting regular exercise. One key to eating right is to avoid the 3 S. Thanks deb.

Yes you can do it.

Be blessed. be a blessing.

Coach Lewis.

Source by Louis Jeffries

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