Ayurvedic Remedies For Hair Fall – Do They Really Work?

Ayurvedic way to stop hair fall.

Countless Americans — both men and women — are turning to Ayurvedic treatments to stop hair loss as an alternative to expensive chemicals.

Ayurvedic medicine emphasizes that the body’s three different elements, known as doshas, ​​must work together to prevent hair loss (or other disease). Hair loss home remedies through Ayurvedic remedies address the pitta dosha, or fire element of the body. People with pitta dosha imbalance are highly emotional, quick to anger and generally experience high levels of stress. Addressing their pitta dosha will not only retain more hair, but as an added benefit, lower blood pressure and prevent nerve damage.

Ayurvedic doctors believe that hair loss treatment should begin by focusing on the white blood cell production of the bone marrow. When the production of white blood cells in the body reaches its optimum state, the body maintains greater control over illness and stress, resulting in optimum hair growth.

Of course, much of hair loss is genetically determined, so even patients with healthy bones and immune systems can experience hair regress. Natural cure for hair loss through Ayurvedic treatment includes a complex plan of diet, oils, massage, adequate rest, meditation and even aromatherapy.

When treating pitta dosha, Ayurvedic doctors will try to target the base of the hair at the scalp and follicles, where poor blood circulation and toxins cause hair to turn gray or fall out completely.

Ayurvedic remedies for hair loss include aloe vera, a soothing tonic to pacify the “angry fire” of the pitta dosha element. In addition to the above, drinking half a cup of aloe vera juice and/or taking the gel along with cumin seeds on a regular basis can help the scalp regain its optimum health.

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In Ayurveda, massage is important while treating hair loss. During massage, the muscles at the very base of the head are stimulated, which leads to more blood flow, more muscle development, and better, richer, oxygen flow. A scalp massage with coconut oil and/or vitamin E in oil form is also part of the treatment. Massaging should naturally cause the skin area to sweat as it generates excess heat. If the extensive massage does not cause sweating, apply a hot towel to the area before and after. The purpose of sweating is to help lubricate the skin’s oils, which increases blood flow.

Also, a change in diet is necessary to provide the best nutrients for hair growth. Ayurvedic medicine recommends increasing the consumption of calcium and magnesium along with certain proteins to promote hair production. Yogurt is an excellent source of both calcium and protein; If you are allergic to milk, then eat white sesame seeds daily. A small portion of sesame seeds has enough calcium for three days.

The combination of Brahmi and Bhringraj herbs work to make more blood flow through the lower layers of the skin where hair is produced.

Only when combined, all of the above treatments can stop the hair loss process and, in many cases, even reverse it. All we know for sure is that these remedies are non-toxic, safe, natural, effective and affordable. So, if you are also suffering from hair fall, do not despair. Consider exploring Ayurvedic methods instead – Consider using Ayurvedic remedies for hair loss.

Source by D. More

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