There are many people around the world who use bender balls. This new exercise invention was created by none other than world-round trainer, Leslie Bender. The bender ball has since become a central component of the bender method fitness system. The system also includes an easy-to-follow guide and a DVD containing videos of several exercises that can be performed using the ball.
Benderballs can be purchased at most retail outlets, as the popularity gained from late-night infomercials has increased the demand for these devices and made them a popular item among those interested in working out or living a healthier lifestyle. Is.
The ball shape is an inflatable contraption approximately 9 inches in size. The advantage of using a bender ball is that it helps in tightening and strengthening the abdominal muscles and gives a Pilates type of workout. It has been observed that using a bender ball increases the effectiveness of targeting the abs during crunches by 408%. The reason for its effectiveness is that it provides greater range of motion while exercising the abdominal muscles.
What makes this item a part of every indoor workout regimen is the fact that the bender ball is reasonably priced under $13. The product can be easily ordered on the company’s website, or by calling the number provided by the infomercial.
The CD also introduces ball users to two important variations of the famous bender workout, performed with the help of a ball. The kind that works together with training buns and thighs. However, the item has proved to be effective in reducing not only the abs but also one of the toughest parts of the body, the thigh area. Many users will find that even though this product works the muscles harder than regular sit ups, it is actually much easier to perform than regular sit ups.
Source by James M Donovan