Benign Ketosis: Be Aware of It While on a Low Carb Diet for Weight Loss

Benign ketosis is a state induced by a low-carbohydrate diet, where the body burns fat as its main source of fuel instead of using carbs, which are usually stored in the muscles as a substance called glycogen. This is called benign ketosis because it is a safe and healthy state, rather than the ketosis experienced by diabetics, which is not benign.

As the body burns fat, it produces a byproduct called ketones. Ketones are passed out of the body through urine and lungs. One of the most documented side effects of the Atkins diet due to the ketones is that it can make people’s breath smell a bit weird – ketones have a sweet smell, almost like pear drops, that is sometimes noticeable on the breath. (It’s not a disgusting smell like normal “bad breath”, but it can be strong – sugar-free gum or a strong minty mouthwash will usually mask it).

Some degree of mild ketosis is necessary for a low-carb diet to work, as it indicates that the body is losing fat. This will typically be induced within the first three days of following a low-carb diet, as at this point the body will have used up any remaining glycogen stores and switched to burning fat instead.

Testing for the presence of ketones is the best way to see if Atkins (or another low-carb diet) has taken effect, and to what extent you are experiencing ketosis.

Ketosis test sticks, often called ketosticks, are available at most pharmacies. These are commonly used by diabetics to check for the non-benign type of ketosis that can occur with their condition. If you’re following a low-carb diet, it can be a good helper to buy a pack of test sticks to help you see when you go into ketosis, and how strongly ketosis is occurring. The sticks are cheap to buy and usually come in packs of 120. You can buy Ketostix over the counter.

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To test for ketones, simply pee on one of the test sticks (much like taking a pregnancy test). If ketosis is not occurring, nothing will happen, but if it is, the stick will turn several colors from pale pink, showing the presence of traces of ketones, to very dark purple, indicating deep ketosis. There is a chart on the pack of Ketostix that shows you the different colors and amounts of ketones (though keep in mind that the packaging is designed for diabetics, so it will tell you that the darker the strip, the more dangerous it is – since your ketosis is the mild kind, in fact the darker it is, the better your diet is working).

You may like to experiment by testing at different times, you may notice that after exercise, the rods become darker because fat has been burned, producing ketones, as you are exercising. Were.

Source by Cassie Getty

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