bodybuilding workout routine for skinny boys to gain weight

If you’re looking to pack on pounds of rock solid muscle, the first thing you should do is find the right bodybuilding workout routine that’s designed for your body type.

Unfortunately, this is where most leaners go wrong, and it’s why results are often not very forthcoming.

If you’re reading this I’m going to assume you’re a lean guy (often referred to as a hardgainer) who struggles to gain weight and muscle no matter how much you eat or train. Take it

If this is you and you feel like you continue to be a “victim” of your skinny genetics, don’t worry because help is at hand.

In this article, I am going to walk you through a variety of exercises and bodybuilding workout routines that you can use the next time you step into the gym, and know that you are doing the kind of exercises that build muscle. will increase.

bodybuilding workout routine for skinny guys

front squats 5-6 reps for 3 sets plus 1-2 reps at max

bench press 5-6 reps for 3 sets plus 1-2 reps at max

lungs 6-8 reps for 3 sets

bent over barbell row 5-6 reps for 3 sets plus 1-2 reps at max

Pull Ups Are Super-Sets With Barbell Rows 8-10 reps for 3 sets

Bicep curl super-set with tricep push down 8-10 reps for 3 sets

The key to this workout is the fact that it is based on multi-joint compound exercises that work multiple muscle groups at the same time, and have been shown to be most effective for muscle growth, especially for leaner individuals. For those who want to gain weight.

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Compound free-weight exercises such as squats, bench presses and bent over barbell rows give you a greater range of motion and engage the smaller supporting muscles that are essential for maintaining balance and stability throughout the exercise.

I have also included the use of “super sets” and “max sets” in this bodybuilding workout routine.

Super sets are basically two different exercises performed back-to-back with no rest, and they are usually complementary exercises, working opposing muscle groups (in this case, biceps and triceps). We do.

Max sets encourage additional muscle growth and strength gains by pushing the muscles at heavy weights. By gradually increasing this load over time in your workout routine, you can see significant increases in strength and muscle size because it uses the principle of progressive overload.

Comment: I’ve put super-sets and max sets in this bodybuilding workout routine for intermediate and more advanced guys who are feeling a little stale in their current workouts and want to take things to the next level. Beginners can use the same workout structure, just avoid super-sets and max sets until you’re hooked and strong enough to crank things up a notch.

Source by John Wheeler

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