Boosting Immunity Through Healthy Daily Routine – Part Two

this is part two how we can boost immunity because We have control over our routine. See the first part on the previous post.


For most of us, lunch time comes at lunch time. Ideally, the time for lunch would be 4 to 5 hours after having breakfast. Waiting 4-5 hours between meals is called intermittent fasting. It has been observed that intermittent fasting reduces inflammation in the body, which in turn helps improve our immune system. (It is not recommended for people who suffer from diabetes, metabolic syndrome or other health conditions that require a separate nutrition program. One should always check with their health care professional about what and when to eat.)

Lunch may include: Free range chicken and organic vegetable soup. Vegetables like carrots, which contain vitamin A, cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, kale and cauliflower for detoxifying the body, and a clove of garlic, which is antimicrobial, are good choices. Another dose of healthy fat such as a tablespoon of flaxseed oil can also be eaten.

dinner time

Ideally the timing of dinner would be 4-5 hours after lunch, so that intermittent fasting can be practiced. Foods containing plenty of healthy vegetables, protein and fats such as beef, chicken and fish are excellent choices.

Any diet plan that follows the guidelines of the keto diet, paleo diet, South Beach diet or similar methods works well in supporting our immune system.

Since we all love to have a snack or something sweet on occasion that is definitely acceptable. Dark chocolate is a great option that can satisfy our sweet tooth and benefit us as it is anti-inflammatory.

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The occasional drink of alcohol does not weaken our immune system. Red wine and stout beer are anti-inflammatory.

Exercise will definitely improve the immune system. Getting 30 minutes of exercise a day is a good goal. It has been observed that moderate exercise such as walking and lifting weights and resistance training increase the number of white blood cells which help fight infection. One doesn’t need a gym, health club or exercise facility. Some hand weights and stretch cables can provide resistance training at home. Walking provides aerobic exercise and may be one of the most beneficial activities humans can engage in.

Getting enough sleep and rest is one of the most important things we can do for our immune system. When we are sleeping our immune system is working its hardest. When we rest, we supercharge our immune systems!

One need not strictly follow this daily routine to improve immunity. Applying any of these remedies will only boost the immune system. However, by gradually adding these thoughts, over time we will have better control over current and future health conditions and we will become less vulnerable to aging and degenerative processes.

Source by James Schofield

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