Building Muscle – Top Post-Workout Foods for Building Quality Muscle and Gaining Weight

If you’re heavy into your workout program that’s designed to help you build muscle and gain weight, chances are you’ve noticed the nutritional factors that will come into play with this goal.

Unfortunately, however, many people still struggle to get their post-workout meals right, which can actually cost them success when trying to build muscle.

The post-workout meal is going to be so important because essentially it is at this time that the body is ‘primed’ for building muscle and is least likely to gain fat. Therefore, you want to optimize this opportunity to build new mass without seeing any fat gain.

Furthermore, at this point your anabolic hormones are also optimized, which will actually work to make you gain weight.

That said, here are some of the top post-workout carb sources you should consider after you’ve finished your workout.

sweet cereal

While many people think you need to stay away from sugary cereals, right after a workout it can actually be a great source of fast-acting carbs that will replace your muscle glycogen. Besides – it’s fun!

Any time you can increase your desire to eat when trying to build muscle, that’s a great thing.


Next Up is a common food you eat during holiday dinners, but it’s often overlooked after a workout.

Meal. Perogies are actually a great source of carbohydrates and don’t contain that much fat.

This makes them an optimal choice – plus they’re easy enough to transport on the way home from the gym.


For all you sushi lovers, this is also a great post-workout meal. Again, that sticky rice is going to be a fast-acting source of carbs, which is essentially the primary thing you want at this point.

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While some varieties of sushi will contain some protein, this certainly isn’t a bad thing since you need a good amount of protein even in a post-workout meal (in fact, you’ll probably want to add an additional source of protein. Make sure you meet your requirements).

ice cream Sandwich

Finally, one last unusual post-workout food that people tend to overlook that also works well is an ice cream sandwich. Believe it or not, these can definitely help with your muscle-building abilities because they’re also relatively low in fat but high in glucose — which quickly replenishes muscle glucose.

Plus, they’re good for being cold, which is usually someone who’s just finished a tough workout.

So, the next time you’re stuck for ideas for post-workout meals, make sure you keep these in mind.

Source by Shannon Clark

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