callanetics for abs

If you really want to tone your abs then you might want to learn about callanetics. We’ll take a look at what callanetics are, how they can benefit your abs, and what else you need to know to get great abs.

What is callanetics?

Callanetics is a system of small precise movements repeated many times. These movements were originally designed to relieve pain, so they are suitable for almost everyone. These tiny movements target individual muscles very precisely so that all of the exercise is going to the targeted muscle and none to the surrounding tendons, ligaments and supporting muscles.

Because of this targeting, one hour of callanetics can have the same effect on tightening and toning your body as twenty hours of traditional aerobics! Each muscle exercise is fully engaged and deeply worked, helping to build muscle and tone from the very first hour of exercise.

Furthermore, the way Callanetics works, there is no jarring or bouncing, which means the risk of injuring yourself during exercise is virtually eliminated. Callanetics is safe for all ages and fitness ranges, there is a place for everyone to start and reap the benefits. Callanetics is also suitable for many people who have trouble with traditional exercise regimes due to things like a bad back, or bad knees.

How does Callanetics benefit the abs?

Callanetics for abs workout will specifically target the abdominal muscles, working them deeply. Callanetics is one of, if not the fastest, way of strengthening and toning the abdominal (and indeed all) muscles. You’ll be able to work your abs quickly – but on the whole, you’ll also be able to fit in an extra twenty minutes of ab exercises because you don’t need any special equipment or clothing, unlike a traditional exercise routine.

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What else do I need to know?

Callanetics has been recently updated, to include a cardio exercise suite and several mini programs for different areas of the body – including abs! This Callanetics workout suit could be all you need to work out your body and get great abs.

However, (there’s always a “however”) to get that “six pack” look you’ll need to do more than just exercise. You will need to reduce the fat covering your muscles.

Men need to get below 10-11% body fat for abs to really start to show, and women need to drop below 16-19% body fat for their abs to really show through . Of course, everyone will be a little different based on their body fat distribution, some people will see great abs at higher percentages and some will need to be even lower to really show off their abs.

Callanetics for abs is a big part of your overall fit and tone routine. Combined with a healthy diet, you’ll have great looking abs in no time.

Source by Chris Dean

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