Can eating junk food help me lose weight?

Something you’ve always been told about healthy eating is that you can’t eat junk food and still lose weight. This is a big, fat lie! Here are some common questions I get about eating junk food:

Is there any way I can lose weight and still eat junk food?

Yes! I used to think that if I had to lose weight, I would never be able to eat a bowl of ice cream again. The bottom line: There are things you can do about it.

A quick way that you can allow yourself to indulge in sweets from time to time is by following the ‘3 Bite Rule’. This rule is simple to follow, take 3 bites of whatever you want to eat and stop. It may seem like an impossible task, but once you train yourself to do it for a while, it will become second nature, and not difficult to do.

All your friends will envy you too. When they’re putting on a whole piece of cake in their mouth and gaining weight because they can’t stop, you’re already satisfied because you’ve had 3 bites.

The ‘3 Bite Rule’ is a healthy technique, as it gives you the satisfaction of eating the foods you want while being disciplined.

Can I have sweets after dinner?

Technically, yes. But I’d advise against it, or at least follow the ‘3 byte rule’ unless it’s a really special occasion. If you can, try to stop eating all carbs and junk food after 5 pm. The carbohydrates and sugar you have later in the day are more likely to turn into fat when you sleep. If you really are having a chocolate withdrawal in the middle of the night and have to have a piece, do your best to at least follow the ‘3 bite rule’.

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If you can follow the ‘3 Bite Rule’ and stop eating carbohydrates after 5 pm, then eating junk food can actually help you lose weight!

Source by Stephen Soto

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