Can’t sleep properly at night? Do try this remedy once

How To Get Good Sleep: Sleep deprivation is becoming a major disease. Due to not sleeping well at night, energy remains low throughout the day and irritability remains. Due to less sleep, BP and other lifestyle related diseases also increase. If you are also a victim of insomnia, then definitely try these remedies.

  • There are many benefits of taking a bath before sleeping. In winter, there is some difficulty in bathing at night, but in case of high heat, taking a shower with normal water before sleeping is beneficial for sleep. Bathing makes the body feel refreshed. If bathing is not possible, then wash your hands and feet and go to bed.
  • Massaging 2-5 minutes with some oil on the soles gives quick sleep. Actually there are many acupressure points in the soles, on which if you massage with any oil, then you get relief from them. You can also take olive oil, coconut oil or mustard oil for massage.
  • Drinking a cup of lukewarm milk before sleeping also helps in early sleep, milk contains tryptophan which is helpful in getting early sleep. If you want, you can also drink lukewarm milk by adding a pinch of turmeric.
  • Before sleeping, make sure to clean your bed or sleeping place. A clean bed is helpful in getting good sleep. If you like a little darkness and peace while sleeping, then make a sleeping environment accordingly. If you do not like the darkness at all, then you can sleep with a very light light on.
  • Turn off the mobile or TV 1 hour before sleeping. Actually, by watching phone or TV just before sleeping, the brain remains more active and sleep comes late. Many times the video or program you are watching also has an effect on the brain and it becomes difficult to sleep.

Disclaimer: ABP News does not confirm the methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article. Take these only as suggestions. Before following any such treatment/medication/diet, consult a doctor.

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