Children’s gums are getting black, so feed these 5 foods rich in iron

Kids Health: A diet rich in vitamins and minerals is very important for the proper upbringing of children. Protein helps in the growth of children. In such a situation, if there is a deficiency of any one vitamin or mineral in the body, then it affects different parts of the body. The gums of many children start turning black. There can be many reasons for this. According to doctors, due to lack of blood in children, sometimes the gums start turning black. In such a situation, foods rich in iron should be included in the diet of the child. To meet iron deficiency, you must feed these 5 things to children.

1 pomegranate- If there is a lack of iron in your body, then for this you must include pomegranate in the diet. By eating pomegranate, the body gets strength and becomes well. Diseases like anemia are cured by drinking pomegranate juice.

2 spinach- If the hemoglobin is low, then definitely include spinach in the diet. Spinach is rich in iron. Nutrients like calcium, sodium, protein, mineral salts and chlorine, phosphorus are found in it.

3 egg- Egg is rich in nutrients, almost all the vitamins and minerals are found in it. Eggs are also rich in vitamin D and iron. Protein and calcium are also found in eggs.

4 beets- The deficiency of blood is removed by eating beetroot. This increases hemoglobin. In case of iron deficiency, you must eat beetroot. It is the best source of iron.

5 pulses and cereals- To meet iron deficiency, you must include whole grains and pulses in your diet. Eating lentils daily helps in meeting iron deficiency. Hemoglobin also starts increasing by eating cereals and pulses.

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Disclaimer: ABP News does not confirm the methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article. Take these only as suggestions. Before following any such treatment/medication/diet, consult a doctor.

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