Does Accutane Cause Hair Loss?

Accutane is a frequently prescribed medication for severe acne. While there are different side effects, anxiety over hair loss is a highly visible and emotional side effect once it begins to occur. At times, this is a socially disconcerting process for a subject, as while trying to clear their color and rid themselves of the painful bumps, they begin to lose their hair, sometimes with Accutane. 3-4 months after starting.

Accutane doesn’t damage hair follicles, it changes chemical receptors, neither of which are related to hair loss. This makes them more reactive, causing the body to “shock”. Lack of sebum, (oil by follicle production) also occurs. Accutane “drys up” the oil-producing glands in the body, drying up the excess oil that causes acne; It can also affect other oil-producing glands, including those in the hair. As the hair follicle dries out, it loses its ability to continue to “hold” the hair and it falls out. A new hair begins to be produced, but is much finer, thinner than the hair that was already lost.

It is normal to lose hair every day throughout your life. Accutane speeds up the process. In the case of male pattern baldness, (or MPB, as it is commonly called by men), there are only so many cycles of hair loss/replacement in a lifetime. Accutane hair loss consumes a cycle and the replacement hair grows back, or maybe not at all in some areas, accelerating male pattern baldness. This hair loss would still have occurred at a later time, without the Accutane effect, but the process has been accelerated. Some male patients will experience permanent hair loss in areas due to male pattern baldness, (MPB) and may blame it on Accutane, however, once Accutane is no longer taken, hair production cycles return to normal, regardless May they be on any chakra.

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Some hair loss patients still on Accutane have taken “mega doses” of vitamins A and C and biotin with limited success. Since the liver produces biotin and biotin production is decreased while on Accutane, some doctors also prescribe protein drinks and “Mega” 2.5mg. Biotin supplements. Some patients continue to take these for up to 2 months after discontinuing Accutane.

Hair loss will continue for 5 weeks to 5 months after the end of Accutane. Once the chemical reactors are changed, it can take that long for the body to change back and complete the cycle of hair loss and move on to the next cycle. Normally, without the Accutane chemicals, the next hair cycle will return to normal, producing normal hair similar to what was lost prior to taking Accutane. In the case of male pattern baldness, the strength and texture of the hair will return to normal, however, if you have a history of baldness, you may find that pattern baldness has started where there was none before, or is more visible. , if it had already started before taking Accutane.

Some patients have started taking Propecia or Rogaine after discontinuing Accutane to try to reverse hair loss, but those drugs also have side effects. Without medication, hair production will still return to normal within a year or sooner.

Source by Tracy Ballisager

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