Drop the Pounds Fast With Bowflex Exercises – Compound Movements and Circuit Training

A familiar topic for those investigating weight training is the old free-weights versus machines argument. Free weights are preferred by bodybuilders and serious strength trainers, because lifting free weights requires the use of a lot of stabilizer muscles to complete the movement. On the other hand, machines typically perform what is known as movement isolation, where a muscle or group of muscles is specifically targeted and the machine restricts the movement so that only that muscle is affected.

Bowflex exercises, although machine based, are for the most part compound movements. That’s because Nautilus, the makers of the Bowflex, have taken their experience building commercial gym isolation machines and combined them into one home unit. Having multiple machines in a home gym would be impractical unless you have a lot of space, so the next best thing is to combine movements into one unit as much as possible.

The Bowflex is a unique home gym system that allows for a large number of strength training exercises using resistance by means of long plastic rods, or, with the new Bowflex Revolution, wrap rubber bands contained in a disc. Resistance is provided by means of cables and pulleys that end in a hand grip, and as a result, a wider range of motion is possible than with a machine that uses weight plates and complex mechanics to restrict movement. .

The advantage of compound movements is that, like with free weights, a large muscle group is used to complete the movement, not just an isolated muscle. This makes the machine ideal for general conditioning, strength training and weight loss. Body builders may be disappointed, but most hard core bodybuilders are likely to be free weight enthusiasts and only use machines to ‘refine’ certain muscles.

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One disadvantage of compound movements is that they are much more prone to injury than isolation machines. This means that, when beginning a workout routine, it is important that form be carefully studied and followed, or muscle strain may result. Bowflex exercises are explained in detail in the attached manual, and the website also has video examples that help clarify the scope of the movement. It is very important to follow the guidelines closely, as an injury can delay your fitness goals. Not doing the exercise properly can also mean that the benefits are not as clear-cut. Use a mirror in your home gym so you can observe your form, or better yet, get a workout partner so you can help each other get the form right.

For weight loss, the best bowflex exercises would be to combine compound movements with cardio, known as circuit training. Circuit training, or circuits, is done by simply going from set to set without resting in between. This keeps the heart rate up while the muscles are working. Often the workout will start with some light rowing, then a variety of strength conditioning moves, followed by more rowing. The Bowflex is excellent for this type of workout, as changing resistance levels is very quick. Unlike free weights, where weight plates must be removed or added, and a collar threaded through to secure the weight, the Bowflex is as quick as any Nautilus machine at adjusting weight levels. This allows for a steady pace and increased heart rate for the duration of the workout, which burns more fat and increases fitness.

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The Bowflex is designed for the home gym, but the exercises you can do on it, especially if you include lat towers and leg attachments, are as varied as those at any commercial gym. If working out at home is ideal for you, and weight loss as well as general strength conditioning are your primary goals, then the Bowflex may very well be the machine for you.

Source by Brent Craig

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