Dwight Howard vertical jump and strength workout

Dwight Howard is 6’11 and weighs 265 pounds, but he wasn’t always that strong. Since he’s been in the NBA, he’s hit the weights hard and gotten a lot stronger. In fact, his He has increased his bench press since his rookie year. From 185 to 360. That’s nearly DOUBLE!! So what is Dwight Howard’s workout routine? Let’s find out…

Dwight Howard has to give a lot of credit to his personal trainer, Joe Rogowski. Joe gives Dwight a workout routine that has helped him gain muscle and explosive power. Joe Rogowski does an excellent job mixing up Dwight’s workout routine. One day he’ll lift very heavy weights to gain strength and power, the next he’ll focus on plyometrics routines for speed and agility. Below are some of the key exercises that Joe does by Dwight Howard…

bench press – Dwight mixes it up using a straight bar and dumbbells. Rogowski likes Dwight to do a pyramid routine. The pyramid he uses is 10-8-6-4-2.

leg press Joe Dwight prefers to use the leg press machine instead of free weight squats. Dwight has back hyperextension and Joe doesn’t want to put Dwight’s back at risk. The leg press machine is a safe exercise and allows Dwight to go with very heavy weights.

perfect push up One of Dwight’s favorite exercises is push ups. He does many of his push up routines at his home. In fact, he integrates his push ups into video game sessions. For example, when he is playing the sport of boxing (his favorite), Dwight does one set every time he knocks someone out. role playing game? Every time he dies, he does more and more push-ups.

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Dwight Howard has an impressive 39″ vertical jump, Joe Rogowski also incorporates plyometric exercises and speed drills into Dwight’s workout routine. It keeps him flying above the rim so he can keep throwing impressive ones. Superman Dunk! Some of his favorite exercises for increasing vertical leap include box jumps, sprints and jump rope.

If you’d like more information about Dwight Howard and his vertical jump, check out the links I have below:


Source by Brayden Fisher

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