Eat curd and potatoes to gain weight, know how you will get benefit

Potato Wth Curd Healps In Weight Gain: Nowadays, although most people are troubled by obesity, but there are some people who are troubled by their thinness. Being overweight or underweight both creates problems, so it is important for you to have a balance weight. People who are thin work hard to gain weight. Such people do not know what they eat to increase muscles, yet weight does not increase. Gaining muscles is also no less than any penance. If you are also worried about gaining weight, then we are telling you about 2 such things that will help in increasing your muscles. Potatoes and curd present in your kitchen can increase weight. This is a good option for vegetarians to gain weight. Let us know how potato and curd help in increasing your weight.

How potato and curd increase weight
Most people think that increasing the amount of carbs makes you fat, but it is not so. You can also gain weight by eating zero carbs daily, just like you can gain weight by eating only carbs. Yes it does matter what you are eating.

How is potato beneficial?
Potato is rich in nutrients. Potato is the king of vegetables. Potatoes are rich in vitamin C, vitamin B, calcium, phosphorus and iron. Potato helps in gaining weight. To gain weight, if you eat 1 medium size potato, then the body gets 150 to 160 calories and 37 grams of carbs, 4 grams of protein. Potato helps in increasing the muscles.

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How curd can increase weight
Yogurt helps in both weight gain and loss. If you eat curd made from full cream milk, then it helps in increasing weight. About 100 grams of full cream milk curd contains 20 grams of fat, 6 grams of carbohydrates and 6 grams of sugar. This helps in gaining muscles. If you eat 150 to 200 grams of curd daily for breakfast or lunch, it increases the good fat in the body. In this way curd can lead to weight gain.

To gain weight, consume curd and potato in this way
To gain weight, you can eat curd and potatoes in breakfast. You can eat curd after adding sugar and boil potatoes and eat them. You can make chaat with potatoes. If you want, you can eat potato raita in the food. You can also eat potatoes as vegetables and salads.

Disclaimer: ABP News does not confirm the methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article. Take these only as suggestions. Before following any such treatment/medication/diet, consult a doctor.

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