Eating upside down in summer can upset the stomach of the child, fix it like this

Diet In Diarrhea: These days the heat is getting so much that it is not taking long to fall ill if there is a slight disturbance in the food and drink. In summer, children often eat more outside food or junk food, due to which the problem of vomiting and diarrhea starts. In the hot summer, they also fall ill due to drinking less water and eating poorly. If you child is also having diarrhea problem then there is no need to worry. Vomiting or diarrhea once or twice is not very serious, but if it is more, you should consult a doctor. Apart from this, take care of some things while eating and drinking. This will not make the child weak and he will recover soon. Let us know what are the things to take care of in case of diarrhea.

What to do if a child has diarrhea?

1- Give less things made from milk- If the child is having vomiting and diarrhea, then give them less milk products. Some children digest milk less, this can cause more problems for them. Avoid feeding milk or milk products, especially on an empty stomach.

2- Give light food- If the child has a complaint of vomiting and diarrhea, then he should be given light and little food. Which is easy to digest. Do not feed outside things at all. Feed only fresh home cooked food. Feed curd and rice to the child. This will keep the stomach fine. Feed moong dal and rice khichdi.

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3- Keep drinking water- There is a lack of water in the body due to vomiting and diarrhea. In such a situation, keep giving water to the child. Dehydration can aggravate the problem. Give ORS solution to the child or you can also give salt and sugar water.

4- Feed such food- If the child is suffering from diarrhea and vomiting, then rice, moong dal khichdi, oatmeal, porridge, white rice, bread, boiled potatoes can be fed to the child. Give curd to the child. It contains probiotics that correct the balance of good and bad bacteria in the stomach.

5- Ripe Banana- Ripe banana can be eaten in case of diarrhea. This sets the stomach. The energy of the child gets reduced only in one or two vomiting diarrhea. In such a situation, eating banana will give energy to the body.

Disclaimer: ABP News does not confirm the methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article. Take these only as suggestions. Before following any such treatment/medication/diet, consult a doctor.

read this also: Curd Eating Tips: Ayurvedic method of eating curd, will prevent many diseases

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