Exercise for housewife, doing just 15 minutes a day will reduce obesity

Workout For Housewives: Most of the women are still housewives in India. In such a situation, women are unable to find time for themselves in the process of handling the responsibility of the family. Many times there is no time to join gym or yoga classes, but you must do some workout to stay healthy and young. Even if you exercise for a while, but definitely take out 15 minutes for yourself daily. If you want, you can fulfill your fitness goals while staying at home. Today we are telling you some very easy exercises that can be done in just 15 minutes. By doing these you will be fit and weight will also be under control.

exercise at home

1- Running- To stay fit for a long time, definitely include 15 minutes of walking or running in your routine. If you want, you can do running at home or in the garden or by going to the nearby park. This will give you fresh air and your blood circulation will be good. In this way, you can gradually reduce your weight.

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2- Push Ups- This is an easy and very effective exercise to be done at home. You do push ups for only 15 minutes every day. For this, lay a mat on the ground and sit down. Now do push ups by trapping your feet under a table or bed. This will strengthen your muscles and will also help in balancing the weight.

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3- Side leg exercise- Do this exercise to make your legs slim. You can easily do side leg exercises at home. Sit on a mat and do this exercise. This will reduce the fat deposited on your thighs and the legs will be toned.

4- Bridge Exercise- Women are often troubled by back pain while working at home. So this is a good exercise for you. This will help in weight loss and will give relief in back pain. You have to lie down on the ground and then lift the waist upwards and come to the bridge position. Keep your hands on the side and raise the hips slightly. Stretch your leg straight and then stretch upwards and bring it down. Do the same with the other leg. This will help in weight loss.

Disclaimer: ABP News does not confirm the methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article. Take these only as suggestions. Before following any such treatment/medication/diet, consult a doctor.

read this also: Weight Loss Tips: Get up in the morning and do these 3 things, obesity will disappear

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