Exercises for Love Handles – An Essential Part of a Weight Loss Program

Love handles are one of the most disgusting parts of the body, especially for people who are quite thin all over. Love handle is slang for fat deposits in the abdominal area, most often found on the sides. This area is often misunderstood and many diets, supplements and exercises have been developed to eliminate them. They don’t work because you can’t target just one area.

Fat burning should include diet and exercise along with healthy lifestyle changes. The whole body should be fit. Cardiovascular exercise is needed to increase your metabolic rate so that fat is burned. Strength training should also be done to keep the whole body fit and trim. Exercises for love handles will help in the process though and here are a few to start the process.

1. Twist Crunches – Lie down on the floor on your back. Place your hands behind your head for balance, but don’t use them during the exercise. Twist the body to your right, touch the right elbow to the left knee. While doing this, spread the right leg outwards. Repeat on the other side. Do one to three sets of 15 repetitions.

2. leg flutter – Take a turn on the stomach. Raise your head so that you can see outside. Now raise the feet and knees and pretend to swim by flapping the legs back and forth. Again, do one to three sets of 15 reps.

3. side bends Stand with feet at a distance of one foot and raise your arms above your head. Join hands or hold onto an object to keep your feet about the same distance apart. Keeping the lower body in place, twist the upper body a few inches to the left. Return to starting position and repeat on the other side. While doing this there should be a stretch in the love handle. Do one to three sets of 20 reps.

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4. permanent trunk Start in the same position as for side bends. Keeping the lower part of the body engaged, twist the torso to the left. While doing this, move your right arm across your body as if throwing a punch. Repeat for the other side. Do 100 complete reps.

Along with exercising for love handles, you should also start eating healthy. Your body won’t slim down a specific area like love handles, so you should focus on your entire body. This is why diets, supplements and things that are guaranteed to eliminate love handles don’t work. Eat more fat burning foods as they will help you get the body you want.

Remember that your body didn’t get out of shape overnight, so it will take some time to see results. It takes more time to store fat that it takes to lose other weight. Also, as you age, skin loses its elasticity. It takes longer to tighten and tone. Overnight results should not be expected.

A healthy diet and exercise for love handles can give you the desired abdominal area. Just combine these exercises with eating right and you will see results. For more tips and advice, you may also want to visit the Flatten Belly Secrets website where you can sign up for a free newsletter that can help with this process as well.

Source by Matthew Mitchells

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