Fasting On Fruit Juice For Weight Loss – A Good Idea?

You can lose weight through juice and it can be reduced very fast. In extreme cases it is possible to see a loss of up to 30 to 40 pounds in just one month. When a person sees such dramatic weight loss they immediately think, WOW! This is a great way to achieve your goal of losing weight or fasting on a fruit juice diet.

But really this is not the way to go. Now it’s a little weird for me to say this because I’m a pro-juicer. I drink the freshly squeezed stuff once in the morning and once at night. So why am I against using fruit juice to lose weight? I explain

I’m not against drinking fruit juice while dieting, I’m just not a fan of the idea of ​​fasting using only fruit juice. Now I’m not a doctor or a practitioner of any kind, but for me the decision to start fasting this month on a purely liquid diet is not the best idea.

To be honest, I don’t believe in diets anyway. Did you know that studies have shown that many people who lose weight while dieting end up putting back on more than they originally did.

The thing is, the diets themselves are losing. 99% of the time it’s wasted before you even start. The problem is that dieting is always short term. This is also something that requires an immense amount of motivation and self-sacrifice and it is the sacrifice that you make that eventually brings the whole thing down and returns you to your former weight.

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Once you tell yourself “Okay, I’m starting this diet tomorrow, no more cake, no more soda, no more fries, etc.” you create a craving. Banning 100% of the foods you love end up putting them on a pedestal and it often happens that once you hit the end of your diet, you’ll be craving that chocolate cake. Feel compelled to take that one big juicy bite you’ve been dreaming of for weeks or months. Then poof! The weight comes back and often more than what you lost on the diet.

If you think about skinny people, many can eat whatever they want and never seem to gain weight. Sometimes the reason for this is that their metabolism is fast. Now the good news is that there are techniques that when implemented will increase your metabolism and methods that when used together can help you eat less at a time.

This is one of the secrets to losing weight and keeping it off. It’s not denying yourself the things you love, it’s changing the way you approach, eat and think about food.

Paul McKenna has a great book. Now I have to put this here, I am not selling this or getting any kind of monetary reward for mentioning this. But reading this makes a lot of sense. In this and on his TV show he covers the idea of ​​starving yourself to lose weight as you do when fasting on freshly made fruit juices.

Why fasting is not a good idea is because the body is a clever machine. When all of a sudden you deny him the food he’s been getting year after year, he goes into a survival mode of sorts. The body realizes that it is not getting the fats etc that it used to get regularly and it is the clever bit. Instead of losing your fat because you’re eating less of it, the body stops using as much as possible and fights to store as much as possible.

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This is why on many regular diets, people wonder why they lose so little weight. I mean they reduce their calorie count to bare minimum, but still the weight remains there. This is because your body is now storing every ounce of material it can get its hands on. Oh and guess what, when you come off the diet, your body is still in storage mode, so when you have that chocolate cake, the body puts all that fat into the bank and even more so when you have Started diet.

So fasting on fruit juice may help you lose weight, but in the long run I wouldn’t even entertain it because the likely end result would be that you’re right back where you started. Check out some of the methods Paul McKenna mentioned, you can find a lot on the net or by going to YouTube. They are based on common sense combined with some really extraordinary methods.

Source by Dorian Hawkesford

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