Flat Stomach Exercises – Best Exercises to Lose Belly Fat & Get Sexy Abs

Did you know that old fashioned sit-ups and crunches aren’t the best exercises for a flat stomach? Although you can get results by doing endless sit-ups, the strain on your back and neck makes them dangerous and often difficult to do. Instead, try military leg lifts to reduce belly fat and flatten your abs. Learning new flat stomach exercises can really keep you motivated and fresh during your workouts.

Complete the following steps to perform a leg lift.

  1. Begin lying flat on your back, placing a small ball or other object behind your knees so that your feet are slightly off the ground.
  2. Using your abdominal muscles, not your back muscles, slowly lift your legs off the object and into the air to form a 45-degree angle. stay in this position for 10 seconds
  3. To really reap the benefits of this flat stomach exercise, continue to contract your abdominal muscles while you slowly lower your legs back to an object on the ground.
  4. Breathe for 5 seconds and repeat steps 1-3. A good idea is to do 3 sets of 10 repetitions, resting 2 or 3 minutes between each set.

By learning new and easier ways to do these flat stomach exercises, you can really start to see results, without straining your back or neck by doing endless sit-ups. In this exercise, you are laser targeting only your abdominal area for maximum results. When used in conjunction with other fat burning workout programs, you’ll be well on your way to getting the strong midsection you’ve always wanted.

Source by Jen K

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