Folexin Review – A Look At The Widely Popular Hair Loss Supplement

Let me be blunt for a second, hair loss is a terrible problem to deal with.

It doesn’t matter whether you are male or female. Once you start noticing hair falling out of your brush or comb or you notice bald spots and hair loss, your worry meter starts ticking off.

It’s human nature and we can’t help but start to wonder what’s going on. The reality is that when someone sees you for the first time, your head is almost always the center of attention. So if you are losing your hair, unless you have covered your head, your hair loss problem will be in the public eye.

You and I both know how embarrassing this can be. Family and friends would start asking questions and strangers would just stare. This is not a good feeling at all.

But what if there is something you can do or use to not only stop your hair loss but regrow the hair you have lost? What interests you?

Well, if you’ve ever heard of Folexin, it does exactly what it claims to do. To stop your hair fall and regrow your hair naturally. That’s a bold claim and that’s why I want to spend a few minutes going into the details of so-called natural hair loss supplements.

So what exactly is Folexin for hair loss?

Created by Vita Balance Ltd., it is a supplement that contains natural ingredients designed to improve hair growth. The manufacturers of the supplement claim that the product has gone through clinical trials and has been proven to provide positive results for its users.

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Some of these results include but are not limited to:

  • 1. Improve hair texture.

  • 2. Growth of hair in a place where there was no hair.

  • 3. Improve hair volume.

  • 4. Long, thick and strong hair.

Before I continue with this Folexin review, it is worth noting that this product was first marketed under a different name. His name was Foligen. However, the manufacturers later changed its name to Folexin tablets for hair loss.

The reason behind this decision can be gauged from the fact that there is another similar product in the market with a very closely related name. This change of name for Vita Balance team is a good decision to remove confusion among consumers looking to buy the product.

So how does Folexin work to stop hair loss?

The key feature of this supplement is that it contains natural ingredients that have been proven to stimulate natural hair growth. Some of these ingredients include:

  • 1. Biotin

  • 2. Jump-T

  • 3. Folic Acid

  • 4. Multiple B Vitamin Complex

  • 5. And of course a proprietary blend not revealed to the public

It is the combination of these ingredients with the right dosage that makes this product work for most of its users. For example, biotin is an important vitamin for healthy hair, nails and skin. Fo-Ti is an ancient Chinese herb used to treat a myriad of health problems, chief among which is premature aging.

But with all of that said, what kind of Folexin results can users expect?

The best thing about this brand is that the manufacturer refuses to make outrageous claims. They have stated on countless occasions that this product is not a miracle cure for hair loss. In fact, they recommend that you use Folexin for at least 60-90 days before you start to see any results.

The downside is that consumers have to buy at least two bottles as one bottle only has a 30-day supply.


While Folexin is not a miracle or overnight success formula for hair loss or receding hair, the natural ingredients present in it do help in re-growth of hair naturally. Depending on how far your hair loss has progressed, this product might be the solution you’ve been looking for.

Although the manufacturer recommends using the product for at least 60-90 days based on research, some customers started seeing results in as little as a few weeks. That said, your results will vary.

Source by Jason Chow

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