How does hair fall happen?

scientific reasons for hair loss

androgenetic alopecia or pattern baldness: What are the causes of hair fall? Male and female pattern baldness causes hair to become shorter and with each growth cycle, hair becomes more and more superficially rooted, leading to more and more hair loss.

Hereditary factors also play an important role as a history of androgenetic alopecia increases the risk of baldness. Heredity is one thing that affects the age at which you start going bald. It affects the age of hair loss as well as the speed of growth, extent and pattern of baldness.

cicatricial baldnessHair loss in cicatriciallopecia is a type of permanent hair loss that occurs when inflammation damages hair follicles and scars them.

This is something that inhibits the growth of fresh hair in many skin conditions such as lichen planus and lupus erythematosus, although it is not known what causes this inflammation, unfortunately.

alopecia areata: It is an auto immune disease and the causes of hair loss due to this particular disease are almost unknown. People who are affected by it generally enjoy good health, while some of them are also affected by other types of auto immune disorders including thyroid.

Many scientists believe that in some cases, people are genetically predisposed to develop alopecia areata, due to the presence of a virus or something else.

If you have a history of this disease in your family, then you are likely to be vulnerable to it. In alopecia areata, your hair normally grows back, although the process of growing and falling out may happen several times in a row.

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telogen effluviumHair loss due to telogen effluvium is a change or change in your normal hair cycle. It is something that happens when your body receives some kind of shock which can be physical or emotional.

As a result, your hair follicles prematurely go into the resting state. The hair growing in the follicle becomes active again within a few months when new hair starts growing. Some causes of telogen effluvium are:

  • physical stress
  • high fever
  • extreme or sudden weight loss
  • nutritional deficiency
  • metabolic disorders
  • surgery

Usually, the hair grows back after the condition heals, but again it is a process that can take months.

traction alopecia: This is one of the reasons for hair fall which occurs when styling the hair or practicing different styles excessively.

This can be countered if you can prevent hair loss before the wound on the scalp causes permanent damage to the roots to allow hair to grow back normally.

other reason

Some other reasons for hair loss are:

  • poor nutrition
  • Medicine
  • Disease
  • medical and scientific treatment
  • hormonal changes
  • Hair Treatment Procedures
  • scalp infection
  • trichotillomania or hair pulling habit

Source by David Lebowe

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