How to check your fitness without a medical exam? “The fitness test” will be decided by these methods

Your physical activities determine your fitness. These include your daily routine, household chores, your ability to lift weights and exercise properly in the gym, etc. All these reveal your strength. However, eating and drinking alone is not enough to gain strength. For this, intense exercises are also necessary. If you do physical activities on a daily basis, you can consider yourself fit. Do you know that you can know your fitness level without going for a medical checkup? Let us tell you the ways through which you can check your fitness level.

suspension test
In this test, upper body strength is checked. It shows heart health and longevity. To do this test, first find a horizontal band at a little height. First, hold this bar firmly and raise your feet above the ground. The length of time you hang on this bar will determine your strength level. If you can hang for 30 seconds, you need to increase your fitness. Holding for 30 to 60 seconds indicates decent strength, while hanging for more than 60 seconds indicates excellent fitness. The benchmark for women in this exercise is 20 seconds, 40 seconds, and 60 seconds.

cooper’s test
In this test, aerobic fitness is checked by estimating VO2. This shows how your body uses oxygen during exercise. To do this test, you will need to run for 12 minutes. If running is not possible, you can walk briskly. After that, measure the distance covered. Multiply this distance by 35.97 and subtract 11.29. The result obtained is your VO2. The higher this score, it means your cardiovascular fitness and endurance are better.

  Do not eat more bread than this in 1 day, otherwise fitness will become junk.

board test
The plank test allows you to know your strength and endurance. To do this, lie down straight, face down on the floor. Now, just keep your toes and elbows on the floor. At the same time, lift the rest of your body into the air. During this time, your entire body, from head to heels, should be in a straight line. The length of time you can hold this position shows your strength. Holding the plank for one minute is considered good for both women and men. At the same time, if someone holds the plant position for three minutes, it is a sign of immense strength.

Disclaimer: Some information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

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