How to identify silent heart attack, know how to prevent it

Silent Heart Attack: Many times people get silent heart attack, which they are not even able to identify. People ignore the problem of mild chest pain or sudden shortness of breath as a simple matter. According to a study, about 45 percent of people do not have any symptoms of heart attack. Such a condition is called a silent heart attack. As the name implies, silent means this attack comes in silence without any symptoms.

This heart attack is more dangerous. In this, many times the first heart attack is not detected and people do not get treatment, after which the second attack becomes very dangerous. Let us know how to identify silent heart attack and how to avoid it.

silent heart attack symptoms
If someone has suffered a silent heart attack, then such a person feels a burning sensation instead of pain in the chest. Along with this, weakness and fatigue are also felt. Many times people consider it as a cause of acidity, indigestion, dehydration, fatigue instead of attack. A silent heart attack sometimes becomes dangerous when the blood supply to the heart is reduced or stopped. Most people feel completely normal before and after a silent heart attack. However, due to this, the risk of second heart attack increases more.

Silent heart attack treatment
If you have had or are facing any such problem and you feel that it was not a silent heart attack. So for this you can get electrocardiogram and echocardiogram checked. With this, changes in the heart can be detected. Treatments like angioplasty, heart transplant, bypass surgery are done according to the condition of the patient.

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How to avoid silent heart attack

  • If you ever feel that any problem is happening due to indigestion or acidity, then also consult a doctor once. Avoid home remedies.
  • If you are a heart patient then take care of your diet. Eat food rich in nutrients and fiber.
  • If there is a problem of BP, then keep checking regularly and keep taking medicine.
  • Do exercise daily. Due to this the body and all the organs become active. And the risk of heart attack is reduced.
  • Stay away from the habit of smoking and intoxicants like alcohol and cigarettes.

Disclaimer: ABP News does not confirm the methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article. Take these only as suggestions. Before following any such treatment/medication/diet, consult a doctor.

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