How to stop increasing belly fat – Simple and effective tips

To be honest, the accumulation of fat in the abdominal area has become a pain in the neck. Stopping the growing belly fat has now become a herculean task as reducing belly fat is very difficult. This will require rigorous effort and commitment. There are two major ways to stop the growing belly fat. they are

  • eating healthy
  • exercise more

I’m going to break down healthy eating into different subheadings

  • foods to avoid
  • foods to eat

f or type of exercise

  • general physical exercise
  • targeted abdominal exercises

foods to avoid

The main reason for increasing belly fat is the food that we eat. Certain foods easily cause fat to be deposited in our waist area. The major culprits are refined carbohydrates (carbohydrates), sugary foods and junk food. Refined carbs usually increase your body weight and they usually have a high glycemic index. They have a high glycemic index because after their digestion is complete, they easily go straight into the bloodstream and raise your blood sugar. These same types of food are readily available for conversion into fat. Fat gets deposited in all the fat storage areas of the body like thighs, arms and especially on the stomach. So the more you eat these the more you will find that you are gaining weight and a major part of it is in the stomach area. So avoid refined carbs

Sugary foods also react like refined carbs, but in a more aggressive manner. It is easy to digest and is quickly converted into glucose and stored as fat which has an association with the abdominal region.

  Weight loss and maintenance - lessons for all of us

Junk food is another type of food to avoid – this is because they increase the acidity of the body due to heavy doses of artificial ingredients like artificial preservatives, flavours. The increased acidity increases the level of toxins in the body as a result of which your craving for food and junk food increases and of course the chances of gaining belly fat increase. Once it becomes a habit, a vicious cycle sets in and becomes difficult to break.

foods to eat

Fiber- You should include adequate amount of fiber in your diet. Fibers help control the absorption of glucose into the bloodstream. As a result, it slows down its conversion into fat which is the end product of all unused glucose anyway. Fat storage in the abdomen, thighs and arms is reduced. Two types of fiber are important for this purpose and should be included in your diet.

Fruits and Vegetables- Just make it a part of your every meal. Have fruit before main meals to see results

general physical exercise

General exercise targets all parts of the body and reduces general body weight. Work-out can take many forms. You don’t have to go to the gym before you can work out and sweat. Gym is good but sometimes you fall behind on schedule and goals because you are constantly missing gym days. At that point, finding an activity that is a hobby and turning it into a workout regimen is the way forward. An example is dancing to music that you enjoy.

targeted abdominal exercises

  इस सुपरफूड में छिपा है सेहत का खज़ाना, स्वाद में मीठी ये सब्ज़ी करती है ब्लड शुगर लेवल कंट्रोल, ज

Gone are the days when sit-ups and crunches worked. Due to new inventions in technology, exercise equipments that help in targeting and preventing increased belly fat are in the market and giving results. It has worked for me personally, especially in the case of sagging lower abdomen. My advice is to buy one that supports the back.

Source by Depeej Onal

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