Ideas for Quick and Healthy Breakfast Recipes

Looking for healthy breakfast recipes that you can make quickly and easily? While most people have heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, many still do not take the time to eat breakfast. If you regularly skip breakfast, you’re probably familiar with the lightheadedness and attack of weakness that occurs halfway through the morning. This happens because you didn’t have breakfast.

Why is breakfast so important?

So why is breakfast so important anyway? When you sleep at night, you stay without drinking water or eating anything for about eight hours. This means you are slightly dehydrated when you wake up, and your blood sugar may be too low. Because of this, you don’t have a lot of energy. However, it’s time to run around and get ready for your day, so you skip the meal. When you skip breakfast, you leave your body dehydrated and your blood sugar can drop even more throughout the day. Then you feel awful and extremely hungry later in the day. In many cases, it is easy to overeat later because you are very hungry.

beyond grain

Some cereals can be a great option for a quick and healthy start to your day. Of course, you need to avoid cereals that are high in sugar. Whole grain varieties that are rich in fiber and protein are great choices. However, be sure to read labels — many so-called “healthy” cereals are loaded with sugar.

However, many people do not like to eat cereal in the morning. The good news is that there are plenty of other quick and healthy recipes you can use for a great breakfast. If cold cereal isn’t your thing, consider hot oatmeal or cream of wheat for breakfast. Making your own oatmeal from scratch doesn’t take much more time than using “instant,” flavored oatmeal packets — and it’s a lot cheaper and healthier. Add some berries and milk and you have a scrumptious breakfast that doesn’t take much time to make.

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Fast Breakfast Option

If you have really busy mornings, you might be in need of some breakfast recipes that are quick and easy to make. A great idea is to prepare your breakfast the night before. Make a breakfast casserole. Make a big batch of pancakes or waffles on a day you have some extra time. Freeze them. Later in the week, all you have to do is pop them in the toaster for a quick and delicious breakfast. Or whip up a batch of healthy bran muffins at the beginning of the week and enjoy them all week long without the hassle.

more breakfast ideas

There are many other great quick and healthy breakfast recipes that you can try in the mornings as well. Consider poached eggs, boiled eggs or maybe a toad in the hole. A quick omelet with vegetables is a great option. Smoothies can be great breakfast options. Mix yogurt and fruits together, blend in a blender and you can drink it on the go for a healthy snack. Fruit and cheese make a well-rounded morning meal that you can toss in a bag and take with you on the go.

Consider unconventional foods for breakfast, too. How about a slice of leftover pizza? A bowl of lentil soup? Some rice pudding? There are no rules here. Any healthy food that you find appealing in the morning makes a perfectly good breakfast!

Source by Ellen E Gray

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