If there is depression and anxiety, then do not eat this food even by forgetting

Food to Avoid In Anxiety: Mental health is a rapidly growing lifestyle related serious disease. Nowadays people of all ages are falling prey to anxiety and depression. If this disease is to be kept under control, then eat these things at least in food and drink along with yoga, workouts, medicines. Your diet has a great impact on your mental health. You should take such a diet, which keeps the body fit. You should avoid eating things high in sugar or flour. Let us know which things should be avoided to avoid anxiety.

1- Fruit juice- By eating fruits, the body gets fiber and energy from natural sugar, whereas only in fruit juice, you drink sugar water, which feels full after drinking and becomes empty after some time, because it contains instant energy. So when you are hungry, eat some fruit and if you are thirsty, drink water.
2- Cold drink- Whether it is normal soda or diet soda, any kind of cold drink further increases the depression hormones. Diet soda does not contain sugar, but it is high in caffeine, which leads to a more down feeling. If you want to drink something like a cold drink, you can drink Seltzer water by mixing it with juice, it will give you a bubbly feel like a cold drink.

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3- White Bread- Eating bread with only flour is also not right in depression and anxiety. Maida bread is made from processed flour and then bread is also a processed food. Eating this can lead to a complete energy high and then a down
4- Tomato ketchup and dressing- There is 4 grams of sugar in 1 teaspoon of tomato ketchup, which is quite high. In addition, artificial sweeteners and colors are also added to it, which can further increase depression and anxiety. Similarly, salad dressings also contain high fructose corn syrup which can up and down the mood.
5- Alcohol- Many times it is said that alcohol in small amounts can cool your nerves, which leads to good sleep and good sleep is directly related to depression and anxiety. But if you take more alcohol than the limit, then it increases your anxiety further, so it is better to avoid alcohol in very small quantities or.

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Disclaimer: ABP News does not confirm the methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article. Take these only as suggestions. Before following any such treatment/medication/diet, please consult a doctor.

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