Important routine that makes hair strong from the roots

Fighting hair loss begins with strengthening your hair from the roots. The only question is “how do you make it possible”?

It’s really not as hard as you might think. Many people go all out in trying to cure their hair fall problem without proper help and tools. Going for the latest hair loss pills, solutions and other treatments is not always the wisest decision.

Why not aim to use a simple, natural approach proven to work against hair loss? Here are some ways to prevent hair fall as well as make hair strong from the roots.

Important steps for strong hair

One of the first steps to strengthening your hair is to condition it at the ends. I know it sounds a bit corny, but it will do a lot for your hair and make it appear fuller. You can also use sage and vinegar as a means to make your hair thicker and stronger.

Take a small amount of white vinegar and mix it with a sprig of sage in a jar. Stir the mixture and apply it on your hair and scalp.

Why You Should Avoid Commercial Shampoo

It may come as a surprise to you, but commercial shampoos do not help your hair growth. The reason is behind a secret element present in them. It’s really no secret if you know what to look for. 90% of all shampoos contain the ingredient sodium laureth sulfate.

While it’s perfect for removing dirt and oil, it’s terrible for your hair growth. Continuous use of this product will cause your hair to fall out over time. Make sure to use only shampoos and various other haircare products that contain only natural ingredients.

Any of them which include aloe vera, saw palmetto and green tea are excellent for your hair and will not cause hair fall.

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Source by Christopher Litmon

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