Losing Weight For Your Wedding Hasn’t Been Easier With Subliminals

Your big day is fast approaching faster than you think and with so many things to take care of, you hardly have time for yourself. What’s more, the insane pre-wedding schedule forces you to eat on the run, gobbling up whatever is available. Sadly, stress is a well-known reason for weight gain. Gaining weight makes you even more stressed and anxious. This is the Achilles heel for many women. This is the point when you are more likely to reach for comfort food which is easily available everywhere around us. More weight, more stress. More stress, more weight. But how to stop this vicious circle?

The problem is that we are really only trying to address the superficial symptoms of the problem, not the root of it. Excess weight is just a reflection of our mind patterns. It is important to understand that we are what we think!

Our body is governed by programs stored in our subconscious mind. The problem is that we do not know about them. Most of these programs are learned in our childhood and hence we have no conscious memory of them. They are quietly steering us, unfortunately, in the wrong direction. The good news is, if the subconscious mind is where it all began, it is also where things can be improved. You change the program, you change the way your body behaves. Right now your weight ‘thermostat’ is set to ‘high’. Therefore, it is important to reprogram your ‘thermostat’ in your subconscious mind for more appropriate software that will bring about more desirable results.

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No one can do this except you. And here’s how. The best and easiest method that has been proven to work over and over again is through subliminal messaging.

The confirmation of the subliminal software selected according to your wishes flashes quickly on the screen of your computer. The conscious mind almost ignores them. That’s okay because this mind can’t bring about change for long anyway.

But the subconscious mind catches them very well. The high number of repetitions ensures that old programming (let’s say ‘stress makes me eat the wrong foods’) is overridden and new programming is firmly implemented (‘I love my healthy, fit and sexy body). This means that you will instinctively generate new behavior that is in line with your desired result: a new, lean body. forever.

Of course, the subliminal software won’t break down your bone structure or dissolve your fat. It works in a much more profound way. It safely reprograms those faulty internal programs that you are not even aware of and eliminates the bad habits that cause all your troubles. This is not magic. Remember, your body must behave according to the software running in your subconscious.

Let the subliminal software do the work for you. Then, even in times of extreme stress, be it your marriage or any other situation in life, you will behave in such a way as to ensure a healthy, slim and vibrant body of your dreams. Here’s to your ideal wedding day!

Source by Kat Taylor

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