Lower Ab Exercises: 3 Easy Exercises To Work Your Lower Abdominals!

In our society, looks matter a lot, no matter how much we would like to deny it. We must accept it and do the best we can.

Good looking abs get noticed and exercising your lower abs is a great way to improve your appearance and get more fit.

You can find tons of lower ab exercises on the Internet, at your local bookstore, or from a fitness trainer at your local gym, but here are 3 lower ab exercises to help get you started.

1. One of the great lower abdominal exercises is performed by extending the arms while holding a bungee or cable handle to the lower left. Keeping your feet stable and rotating your trunk, bringing the cable up and away in a chopping motion will work your lower abs. This motion should be repeated as many times as you feel your lower abs working for the desired effect.

2. Another great lower ab exercise is accomplished by lying on the floor on your stomach with your legs extended in the air. Keep your head in a neutral position and keep some space between your chin and chest. Reach for your opposite leg while keeping your chin and chest forward, contracting your abs and lifting your shoulders off the floor. Repeat this exercise in the same way as you would with other lower ab exercises until you feel the goal has been reached.

3. The last of the fast lower ab exercises is basically an extended sit up which is achieved by keeping the knees bent and the hands behind the head (completely out of sight). As if your chin was magnetically attracted to the sky, lift slightly and hold a position that contracts your lower abs for your desired length of time. Repeat as needed to work your lower abs.

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Understand that lower abdominal exercises sometimes seem very easy, but they can be deceiving.

Don’t overdo your lower abdominal exercises because you can injure your back and neck, so be mindful of your comfort level throughout the process.

Source by Chad Kiser

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