Mental health and fitness tips: Here’s how doctors and healthcare workers can de-stress

the medical fraternity has seen a strong decline in the deterioration of his mental Health specifically in areas such as stress, anxiety, depression, substance use disorder and burnout. The main causal factors for the increase in rates are long working hours, poor patient prognosis, argumentative interactions, and interpersonal interactions with colleagues.

Due to their high pressure, doctors and healthcare workers tend to experience high levels of burnout and job stress, but addressing emotional exhaustion can improve enthusiasm for work, feel hopeful and successful. In an interview with HT Lifestyle, Shamantha K, Consultant Psychologist at Fortis Hospitals on Bangalore’s Cunningham Road, shared some of the ways doctors and healthcare workers can de-stress:

1. Meditation along with physical exercise: to improve the resilience of the mind and body.

2. Rest and leisure: quality sleep, frequent naps, breathing exercises, yoga, etc.

3. Practice mindfulness

4. Maintain a healthy lifestyle

5. Socialize

6. Enjoy various therapies such as music, art, movement, aroma or animals.

7. Keep a journal of gratitude, stress levels and emotions

8. Clutter physical spaces

9. Have good working relationships

10. Refrain from the use of substances of any kind

Stating that doctors and healthcare workers are known to be overworked, sleep deprived, and stressed due to the kind of dedication and effort expected of them in their profession, Dr. Shradha Shejekar, MBBS, MD, Psychiatry at Altius Hospitals, said: “Ironically, doctors always advise their patients to avoid stress and modify lifestyle to be stress-free, but find it difficult to implement the same in their own lives due to the hectic routine that They have, but unfortunately, doctors are human too and stress spares no one. Therefore, it is advisable to adapt to certain changes in the daily schedule to overcome stress and recover.”

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These lifestyle modifications include:

1. Keep a fixed work schedule as much as possible.

2. Plan the weekend ahead Schedule at least one fun outing/activity to look forward to each weekend as a reward for hard work during the week.

3. Avoid excess caffeine – limit yourself to 1-2 cups per day if necessary.

4. Even during OPD, take a 5-10 minute break every 1-2 hours to stretch, walk around, drink some water, look out the window, and get some fresh air.

5. Sleep well even if you have night shifts. This will surely reduce nervousness, headache and activate your brain.

6. Practice Yoga, breathing exercise before starting your day. This calms anxiety, helps you plan better, and opens your mind.

7. Try to listen to your favorite relaxing songs when you are free in the workplace. Music can be a great relaxant.

8. Incorporate colorful signs, flowers, OPD scent, and good ventilation to keep your energy levels high all day.

9. Keep limits on time, avoid sharing personal contact information unless absolutely necessary, and let the patient know your work hours as well. In the meantime, let them know about alternate help in an emergency if you’re not working.

10. Make sure you have family time every day for at least 1-2 hours to share the day with them and also have a conversation, because talking is ventilation and ventilation makes you breathe easy and feel relaxed.


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