Most effective treatment for hair loss

Hair loss does not require treatment. It is not a disease and does not cause any physical harm. However, it brings with it an emotional burden that can be a source of low self-esteem and affect a person’s quality of life. Finding the most effective treatment for you can help reduce the severity of emotional consequences, prevent further deterioration, and help you rebuild what has already been lost.

Everyone’s situation is different. Whether you are a man or a woman, young or retired, hair loss can happen for a variety of reasons and can cause varying degrees of damage. Sometimes the condition requires treatment, other times the most effective action is to do nothing. Depending on the type and cause of the condition, it may reverse and heal in time, or it may get progressively worse if nothing is done to address the root cause.

The conditions differ fundamentally in their nature and cause in men and women. Male pattern baldness typically leaves most men with only a ring of hair on the back and sides of the head, while hair loss in women is mostly limited to overall thinning. And while in men the cause is primarily attributed to dihydrotestosterone (DHT), women’s condition is more subjective to other contributing factors such as physical and emotional stress. The most effective treatment for an individual is determined based on the nature of the condition as well as its contributing factors.

It is advised to get diagnosed by a specialist to understand which treatment is best suited for you. Several medical causes may explain your condition, or hair loss may be a physical side effect of an otherwise benign condition. Your family and medical history, lifestyle and dietary habits are taken into account by experts to design a personalized program for you that includes the most effective hair loss treatment,

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Hair loss may not be a disease, but acne isn’t either. Just as you would consult a dermatologist for expert advice on acne, if you want the most effective treatment for hair loss that will not only be safe for someone in your particular situation, but will also give you the best possible results, you should look to an expert for advice.

Source by Kate Moody

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