Natural solution for hair fall problem

The average human head contains about 100,000 hair follicles, and each follicle can grow about 20 different hairs during a person’s lifetime. The severity and nature of baldness can vary greatly; It ranges from male and female pattern alopecia, alopecia areata, which involves the loss of some hair on the head, and alopecia totalis, which involves the loss of all hair on the head, to the most extreme form, alopecia universalis, which involves loss of all hair on the head. and includes loss of all hair over the entire body. It is normal to lose some hair each day, but men, women, teenagers and children can all experience excessive hair loss.

Temporary loss of hair may occur in areas where sebaceous cysts are present on the scalp for anywhere from a week to several weeks. Poor digestion, parasites and nutritional deficiencies such as iron or biotin deficiencies should not be overlooked as possible causes. Certain medications or drugs can also cause hair loss, which gets better when you stop taking the offending drug; Some drugs that can cause hair loss include blood thinners, drugs used for gout, chemotherapy drugs used for cancer, too much vitamin A supplement, birth control pills, drugs used to treat acne and skin problems. These include retinoids, blood pressure medications, and antidepressants.

A type of baldness called traction alopecia is commonly found in people with ponytails or cornrows who pull their hair with too much force. In the past it was believed that baldness was inherited from a person’s maternal grandfather; While there is some basis for this belief, in reality both parents contribute to the likelihood of hair loss in their offspring. If the thyroid gland is overactive, as in Graves’ disease, or underactive, hair may fall out; The treatment of thyroid disease will help in this remedy.

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When hypothyroidism causes hair loss, the outer third of the brows will become thinner. Fungal infections on the scalp can cause hair loss in children, which is sometimes easily treated with topical antifungal medications. Some tumors and skin growths can also cause localized baldness.

Sometimes surgery is another way to reverse hair loss and baldness, although this may be considered an extreme measure. Regular aerobic exercise can help naturally lower androgen levels (male hormones) while maintaining overall health, reducing stress, and increasing SHBG. Very few tests have been done on the potential long-term effects of minoxidil on women.

Propecia (Finasteride) and Minoxidil (as Rogaine in the US and Regaine elsewhere) are drugs that have been reported to have shown some success in partially reversing the damage, but one has to consider the side effects. Needed Surgical methods used include hair transplantation – when hair-producing follicles are taken from the back and sides of the head and injected into bald or thinning areas. The cost of hair loss treatments and traditional and natural remedies range from free to expensive.

Try a more natural method of treatment, if possible; Taking hair loss medications requires exposure to chemicals over several months. Propecia is available with a prescription; It comes in pill form, is only approved for use by men and can take up to six months to tell if it’s working. There are hundreds of hair loss products used as treatments and remedies for hair loss.

You can try using a double strength herbal sage tea to wash hair or apply to the scalp every day as a tonic. An Asian remedy for hair loss – rub sesame oil on your scalp every night, covered with a hat or old towel; Wash off in the morning with a good herbal shampoo and rinse with a solution of one tablespoon apple cider vinegar in one quart of water. Garlic oil remedy for hair fall – Puncture two garlic cloves at bedtime, apply the oil to the scalp, massage, cover with a cap, shampoo and rinse in the morning.

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Be sure to test all treatments on a small area first and check with your hair loss doctor or dermatologist before trying any natural home remedy if it contains any irritating ingredients. Dandruff treatment with honey and vodka for hair loss – mix one teaspoon of honey with one liver of vodka and juice of one medium-sized onion; Apply this mixture on the scalp every night, cover with a cap and shampoo in the morning. Taken orally, saw palmetto is an herbal DHT blocker that is often claimed to be cheaper and have fewer side effects than finasteride and dutasteride; Unlike other 5alpha-reductase inhibitors, saw palmetto induces its effects without interfering with the cellular ability to secrete PSA (Protein Specific Antigen).

Polygonum multiflorum is a traditional Chinese cure for hair loss; Whether the plant itself is useful, the general safety and quality control of herbs imported from China may be questionable – order only from a reputable supplier. Olive oil and henna remedy for hair fall – Use equal amounts of olive oil and henna oil; Mix them in a bottle, shake vigorously, massage into the scalp, put on a cap and shampoo in the morning. Another remedy is to massage your scalp at night with an oil made from one part rosemary oil and two parts almond oil.

Onion juice and honey remedy for hair loss: Prepare a hair-boosting elixir by mixing 1/4 cup of onion juice with one tablespoon of honey; Massage your scalp daily with this mixture. Raw Onion Remedy for Hair Fall – Take half a raw onion and massage the scalp with it; Keep the head covered overnight, shampoo and wash in the morning. Beta sitosterol, which is a component in many seed oils, may help treat BHP (benign prostatic hypertrophy) by lowering cholesterol. But be careful, consuming large amounts to get a low amount of beta sitosterol can lead to male pattern baldness.

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Consider choosing one of the least harmful, topical, natural home remedy treatments (the kind you prepare at home), and try it on your scalp for at least 30 days. And focus on boosting your immune system to give your hair the best chance to regrow. Make sure to keep your scalp in good condition at all times.

Source by Helen Hecker

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