Quick Six Pack Abs Tips – Burn Fat & Build Muscle

Perhaps the most desired muscle group that people are looking to sculpt these days is the core muscle group. Commonly known as six pack abs, the core is also one of the most difficult and trickiest muscles to sculpt mainly because one has to keep a strict control over their diet. Be it six pack abs diets, fancy exercise routines, expensive products and what not – people are creating all kinds of media to help others achieve a sculpted and rugged core. But if one is intelligent enough to get six pack abs then he need not make the process so complicated.

Here is a really quick and easy tip that can be followed to help you lose belly fat pretty fast. It is practical, scientifically explained and easy to follow as it involves very minor changes in appetite and workout.

Based on the results of an extensive research conducted at the University of Connecticut, scientists have discovered that a low-carbohydrate diet is better than a low-fat diet when it comes to muscle development in the core region. They found that men who maintained a low-carbohydrate diet and worked out by lifting weights lost about 9.8kg of fat and gained 2kg of muscle in just 10 weeks. Compared to another group of men who were on a low-fat diet for the same amount of time, they lost about 50% more fat and built just as much muscle.

The reason behind this is that when one restricts carbohydrates from the body, it is forced to burn fat instead of sugar. Combined with weight lifting, muscle growth is accelerated and six pack abs churn out smoothly. Obviously, dumbbells and forks can be the best option for building desirable six pack abs. Add plenty of fluids to flush out the toxins released when fat is burned, and after a few weeks of religious strength training you have perfectly toned muscles in the core. Surprisingly, the same research found that only 20% of regular gym goers were aware of this fact.

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Source by Korio Geoffrey

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