Raw Foods Give You Great Health and Energy

Raw foods, full of natural enzymes, will give you boundless energy. Instead of turning to coffee and a chocolate bar consider raw cacao and goji berries.

Basically a raw food diet is vegan. You get to eat seeds, nuts, fruit, veges, sprouted grains and legumes in their living state. These foods are full of nutrients and enzymes that promote a healthy immune system and so the body is better able to fight disease. These enzymes break down foods to make them digestible and the nutrients available to the body. They also stimulate other types of cancer fighting enzymes. Car fumes and food preservatives like nitrites may cause cancer. Raw food enzymes help to flush these from the body.

An acid/alkaline balance in our bodies is essential for good health. Fresh fruit and vegetables are highly alkaline. They are easily absorbed – green juices in particular are very alkaline forming. Grains when used to make breads are acid forming but when the grains are sprouted they become alkaline. Chlorophyl is a wonderful blood builder, internal body cleanser and regenerative tonic. The amino acids (lysine, leucine, tryptophan, phenylalanine, threonine, valine, methionine and isoleucine) can only be synthesised from fresh foods. All of these amino acids are essential for good health and graceful aging. Bioflavonoids are also essential for good health and these are found in abundance in fresh foods.

Heating food destroys enzymes. In their raw state food contains the enzymes necessary for digestion. When they are no longer available the body is placed under further stress.

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There are other benefits to eating raw foods. Many people find they sleep less and the skin develops a natural glow. It is easy to lose weight and maintain a healthy weight while eating fresh foods.

Source by Vanesa Tane

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