Rogaine (Regain for male hair loss)

Rogaine is probably the most popular treatment on the market for hair loss and works best when used in conjunction with Propecia. The active ingredient in Rogaine is monoxidyl and it was initially intended to treat high blood pressure. You can imagine the surprise when men who were taking Rogaine to treat their high blood pressure noticed that their hair was growing where there was none before.

Rogaine was originally called Loniten and only when more trials were done to see if it could actually be used as a possible male hair loss treatment, did they rebrand it as Rogaine. Branded. As soon as it made its way to Europe, it was renamed Reigen.

Rogaine is not like Propecia where you have to go through official channels to get something. You can buy it at your local pharmacy and also online.

I urge you to be careful with online shopping. Lots of companies may sell what they claim is Rogaine or at least as good but in the end you may be wasting your money. The problem with online shopping is that it is difficult to police. People can set up a site, get loads of sales before shutting down the site and you have nowhere to turn in case your product turns out to be a fake.

If you don’t think that Rogaine will be enough for your hair loss, then you don’t need to worry. There are many other hair loss treatments available. Rogaine may not be sufficient even when used in conjunction with Propecia but that doesn’t mean you have to go through life without your hair. If you want, you can opt for surgery.

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I worked for one of the world’s leading hair loss clinics and I had the opportunity to see firsthand what people are concerned about. Believe it or not money is not at the top of the heap. But what I found more was that people were buying what they thought was Rogaine online when in fact it was a cheap imitation.

Contact me if you are not sure. I know what I’m talking about and my advice is free.

male hair loss A serious situation for the people involved and I am not going to downplay it.

Source by John Rainbird

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