signal that your body needs food.

I know many of you must be looking at yourself in the mirror and saying to yourself, “I look healthy but I don’t think I need to join a diet program”. The truth is, although health is usually seen from the outside, what is happening is inside our bodies.

Many people in North America view digestive problems as a nuisance. Ayurveda views these issues as all health conditions in your life. You run to the drugstore for antacids, pills to relieve constipation and diarrhea. Pain Relief Is Closer Than The New Advil! Your body tells you your story! Something is wrong and you should listen but we don’t listen unless we are sick.

These are signs that your body is telling you that something is wrong.

  1. You are getting overweight. Food rich in the taste of sweet and salty is earth promoting food and can add extra weight to your body. Sweet is also the taste of satiety, in Ayurveda sweet food can be included in the diet to help satiety.

  2. You have a coating on your tongue. When you wake up in the morning, look at your tongue. If you have a white, yellow or brown coating on your tongue then food is not digesting properly and this is the first sign of things to come.

  3. Constipation, gas and bloating are a common occurrence in your life. This is often seen as a Vata imbalance with Agni Manda. Many people use laxatives and gas relief pills to get rid of this problem. Ayurveda says that digestion and vata should be balanced. Many vata type people love lots of green smoothies and salads: two of the worst things a vata person can do to their digestion. They need to eat more cooked food and less salads. Salad is cold and contains a lot of air for the formation of vata.

  4. Frequent diarrhea This can be a condition that many people live with and do not realize that the fire element is out of balance. Diarrhea can be the body’s way of getting rid of something harmful. It’s a good idea to let diarrhea persist for a few days and get better on its own, but if diarrhea is something that’s happening regularly, you need to pay attention to your diet to account for the foods that Upsetting the digestive system or balancing out. The fire element in the body sometimes causes a deficiency of the water element in the body due to diarrhea, due to which dehydration occurs and food is not digested properly and people become malnourished. Stress is one of the silent killer in the world. Stress will lead to many diseases and one of them is heart disease. This is a disorder of the blood vessels of the heart that can lead to a heart attack. Other heart diseases include stroke, high blood pressure, angina (chest pain) and rheumatic heart disease.

  5. You are frequently feeling sad or anxious. Ayurveda says that food has an effect on our thoughts, feelings and consciousness. Anxiety and depression can be a result of ama (food that is not digested properly)

  6. Joint Pain – Symptoms of Ama

  7. chronic inflammation

  8. heaviness and fatigue after eating

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So what are some things you can do?

1. Do not drink too much cold water

2. Only 1/2 cup of warm water with your meals

3. No smoothies in the morning- for many it leads to weight gain and promotes ama

4. Don’t take coffee first thing in the morning on an empty stomach

5. Eat fruit alone

6. Sit down to have your meal

7. Eat Your Biggest Meal at Noon

Source by Erica Mueller

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