Simple ways to stop hair fall

Most of the women and men would like to have thick and healthy hair on their head. This is very easy to do when a person is young, but as the years go by, it will take some effort. Eventually most adults will experience hair loss. Some people will lose more hair than others. It is possible to stop hair loss with the use of various treatments. Some medicines are very effective. However, there are alternative hair growth treatments that may work just as well.

common causes of excessive shedding

Your first step towards stopping hair loss should be to find out why it is happening. Some possible causes include hormones, stress, thyroid problems, anemia, lupus, and poor nutrition. You can consult a doctor to find out if your hair loss is related to a medical problem. If you have a health issue, focus on treating that condition and it may help prevent your hair from thinning.

The leading cause of thinning hair is androgenic alopecia, also known as male pattern baldness. Despite its nickname, the condition is also more common in women. It just affects the sexes differently. Men will often lose all the hair on the top of their head, leaving only the sides and bottom of the head. Women will experience thinning in different areas of the scalp.

Some medicines can also cause hair loss.

Stop hair loss through good nutrition

Anyone who is interested in preventing hair loss should focus on maintaining a healthy diet. Hair needs proteins and minerals to grow. B vitamins help the body produce the type of protein that hair needs. It also helps prevent split ends and breakage.

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Vitamins A, C and E are also important for keeping hair healthy. Daily head massage will increase blood circulation. This helps ensure that important nutrients reach the hair.

Source by Jenna Grey

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