Stop the child’s weight gain like this, do these 3 changes from today itself

Kids Diet Plan: We all know that obesity is very harmful for our health, we can be victims of obesity at any age. Apart from this, somewhere we ourselves are responsible for our obesity, due to the changing lifestyle in today’s time, young children are also falling prey to obesity, the main reason for this is irregular routine and eating too much together.

Due to the wrong routine, children become mentally and physically weak, children who are overweight, they also have trouble breathing, and at the same time many problems start growing, so let’s know how to fix them. .

1- Reduce diet- Due to the lack of nutrition of children, health problems also increase, but many times mothers feed their children too much food together to keep them healthy, which directly affects the child’s stomach, in such a situation, children There may be a risk of loose motion, and diseases related to digestion, and there may also be chances of gaining excess weight, so try to start giving small meals to the children.

2- Make changes in breakfast- It has often been seen that as soon as the child wakes up, biscuits, package foods, etc., are handed over to them, doing so is equivalent to playing with their lives, and it has been seen many times, that children do not eat anything in the morning. They go to school, this habit can increase their weight, so you can give oats, eggs, and beneficial snacks to your child in the morning breakfast.

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3- Save screen time from increasing- Nowadays parents give mobile to the child to save his life, so that he can live completely peacefully, and in such a situation the child is busy playing online games, due to which his physical exercise is not done, and this leads to obesity. But if you want to stop it, then reduce the screen time of the child.

Disclaimer: ABP News does not confirm the methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article. Take these only as suggestions. Before following any such treatment/medication/diet, consult a doctor.

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Check out below Health Tools-
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