Do you also have gas problem after eating pulses, know which pulses make gas

Pulses Cause Acidy: Do you also have gas problem after eating pulses, know which pulses make gas. Source link

These people should not eat moong dal, there may be damage

Moong Dal For Health: Pulses are very beneficial for health. By the way, all pulses are considered good for health and you should include a bowl of pulses in your diet every day. Moong dal is considered light and digestible, but do you know that moong dal can also harm some people. If you eat … Read more

If you are on dieting then eat sprouts like this, it will be easy to lose weight

Sprouts Making At Home: To lose weight, you should take great care of diet. Eating and drinking can reduce weight to a great extent. Include such healthy things in your diet, which will help in weight loss and you also get plenty of tests. Sprouts of gram and moong dal are very healthy options for … Read more