The allergy begins to appear on the skin as soon as you wear a sweater or jacket, do you have this disease?

The allergy begins to appear on the skin as soon as you wear a sweater or jacket, do you have this disease?

Allergy to wool sweaters : To avoid the cold in winter, we wear woolen sweaters or jackets. Nowadays, new woolen clothes are available in the market. Wearing some of these products causes breakouts. If you also have this type of problem, it could be textile dermatitis. This means that your skin reacts to the fibers … Read more

Why do food allergies occur? Why do certain foods trigger problems in the body?

Why do food allergies occur? Why do certain foods trigger problems in the body?

Causes of food allergies: Food allergy refers to an allergy that occurs after eating a particular food. When your body does not accept any food, it starts reacting against it, leading to the problem of a food allergy. Nowadays, food allergies are rapidly increasing among young people. According to a study, more than 10% of … Read more

Be careful if you experience this while doing gym, it could be anaphylaxis allergy.

Be careful if you experience this while doing gym, it could be anaphylaxis allergy.

Anaphylaxis Allergy : If you often feel nauseous or dizzy after many workouts at the gym or after walking on a treadmill, be careful because it could be an anaphylactic allergy. Ignoring it can be dangerous. This is a very serious and urgent medical condition, which very few people know about. That is why it … Read more

Can sleeping too much increase the risk of asthma? , What is nocturnal asthma? Health Live

Can sleeping too much increase the risk of asthma?  , What is nocturnal asthma?  Health Live

Many asthma patients complain of sleep disturbances. People with allergies and asthma are unable to get enough sleep due to congestion, discharge, snoring, nighttime coughing, wheezing, and breathing problems. Untreated sleep problems can make asthma worse and reduce your quality of life. In most people, asthma is not severe or serious. Although there is no … Read more

Can someone be allergic to water, the answer will surprise you

Can someone be allergic to water, the answer will surprise you

Water allergy: There are many types of people in the world who become allergic to everyday things and weather conditions. Some are allergic to peanuts and others to dirt. Additionally, many people also become victims of allergies when the weather changes. But have you heard that someone can also be allergic to water? You will … Read more

आंखों में हो रही है जलन और खुजली, तो ना लें इसे हल्के में…जानें सब

आंखों में हो रही है जलन और खुजली, तो ना लें इसे हल्के में…जानें सब

<p>आजकल बहुत से लोग आंखों में जलन और खुजली से परेशान हैं. यह समस्या आम होती जा रही है, लेकिन कई लोग इसे हल्के में लेते हैं, जिससे बाद में इसके प्रभाव का अंदाजा नहीं लगाया जा सकता है. आंखों में जलन और खुजली के पीछे कई कारण हो सकते हैं, जिन्हें ठीक से समझना … Read more

आपके गले के लिए आफत बन सकती है त्योहारों की सफाई, इस तरह रखें अपनी सेहत का ख्याल

आपके गले के लिए आफत बन सकती है त्योहारों की सफाई, इस तरह रखें अपनी सेहत का ख्याल

Cleaning Safety Tips: देश भर में त्योहारों का मौसम शुरू हो गया है. ऐसे में खरीदारी के साथ साथ जिस चीज पर लोगों का सबसे ज्यादा फोकस होता है, वो है घर की सफाई, दिवाली से पहले आपके भी घर में साफ सफाई (cleaning)का दौर शुरू हो गया होगा. ऐसे में सफाई के दौरान उड़ने … Read more