Mood swings: 4 nutritional deficiencies that can affect your mood

You should probably listen to your mother when she tells you to eat homemade food instead of ordering it in a restaurant, not only to have a healthy body, but also to balance your mood and improve your mood. mental health. Most mental health conditions depression to anxiety are caused by meinflammation in the brain … Read more

Why popping vitamins and minerals may cause more harm than good for your body

A 60-year-old man came to see me about his loss of appetite. Upon questioning him, he showed me a list of 17 supplements (written on a worn piece of paper) that he was taking. These ranged from vitamins, hormones, and even steroids. He said that he just wanted to live longer than others by consuming … Read more

8 reasons to include ragi in your diet for weight loss

Ragi Benefits: These days, ancient grains are getting a lot of attention. Due to the fiber-rich bran and other critical nutrients that are not lost during processing, whole grains are significantly healthier. One of those super grains that has recently become popular again is ragi. With the rise in consumption of obesity-causing processed foods, a … Read more

National Nutrition Week 2022: Nutritional tips for healthy lifestyle

By September 01, 2022, 07:32 IST (Published) Mini According to nutritionists, nutrition and a healthy lifestyle go hand in hand. Overeating leads to fat storage, bloating, and many other health problems. Food is the fuel that makes the body work, but poor dietary choices can hinder the natural function of our vital organs. Therefore, … Read more

Nutritional supplements could be a ‘waste of money’ for healthy or non-pregnant people

If you pay even a little attention to what you eat and drink, you’ve probably heard of nutritional supplements. Many people use them to fill in nutritional gaps in their diets. They have become so popular that they can be found in various forms such as tablets, capsules, drinks, etc. Scientists at Northwestern Medicine, however, … Read more

Does a Balanced Meal Really Exist? Nutritionist Explains How to Actually Create it

By eating the right amount of nutritious food, exercising regularly, and getting plenty of rest, you can achieve all the health goals your body requires. It’s important that you eat the right kind of well-balanced food to keep hunger at bay and stay energetic throughout the day. It is of the utmost importance to know … Read more