10,000 OSA patients access Apollo Telehealth’s sleep programme – ET HealthWorld

10,000 OSA patients access Apollo Telehealth’s sleep programme – ET HealthWorld

New Delhi: Apollo Telehealth has announced that it is good Nidra program launched in March 2022 to help patients manage obstructive sleep apnea (YEARS), has been accessed by more than 10,000 patients one year after the program. He sleep program offers physicians and patients with OSA an alternative therapy that covers screening and diagnosis at … Read more

If you also do lunch late every day, then you may have to bear the brunt of it

If you also do lunch late every day, then you may have to bear the brunt of it

Late Lunch Side Effects: To stay healthy, it is not only necessary to take a healthy diet, but it is also necessary to eat at the right time. Nowadays it is often seen that there is no fixed time for people’s food. People get so engrossed in work that they do not eat their lunch … Read more

Do not use it immediately after breaking the aloe vera, otherwise you may have to bear the loss.

Do not use it immediately after breaking the aloe vera, otherwise you may have to bear the loss.

Remove Aloe Poison: Aloe Vera is as beneficial as it can prove to be harmful. If you do not use it properly then it can cause problems for you. Actually, it is not right for you to use it without getting rid of the toxic latex of aloe vera. That’s why today we will tell … Read more

Be careful those who eat salty with tea! may have to bear the loss

Be careful those who eat salty with tea!  may have to bear the loss

Foods to NOT Eat With Tea Ever: If you too are fond of eating salty food with tea, then this news is for you only. Here we will tell you what can be the side effects of eating salty snack with tea. By the way, whether it is evening tea or breakfast in every house, … Read more

Side Effects Of White Bread: Eat white bread in daily breakfast, may have to bear the loss

Side Effects Of White Bread: Eat white bread in daily breakfast, may have to bear the loss

Side Effects Of White Bread: In today’s run-of-the-mill life, everything is slowly changing. Even in our table in the morning breakfast, paratha curd has been replaced by western food like bread butter and corn flakes milk etc. Because nowadays people want to eat in minutes but shy away from giving time on it. But do … Read more

Menstrual Hygiene Mistakes: Do not repeat these mistakes during periods, you may have to bear the loss

Menstrual Hygiene Mistakes: Do not repeat these mistakes during periods, you may have to bear the loss

Menstrual Hygiene Mistakes: Every woman has to face many different problems during periods. This problem is not related to their one day but only to the epidemic that comes every month. Some have severe stomach pain, some fatigue, some have vomiting problems, some have body ache, some have headache and some have some problem or … Read more

Beauty Tips: Never use Vitamin E capsules like this, you may have to bear the loss

Beauty Tips: Never use Vitamin E capsules like this, you may have to bear the loss

Beauty Tips: You must have used Vitamin E capsules for your skin once in your life. Vitamin E capsule is not only good for your skin but it also benefits your hair. Vitamin E capsule has many benefits like it not only brings glow on your skin but also makes hair strong. With this you … Read more

Side Effects of Raw Onion: Do not eat raw onion in excess, you may have to bear the loss

Side Effects of Raw Onion: Do not eat raw onion in excess, you may have to bear the loss

Side Effects of Raw Onion: If you are fond of eating more raw onions than necessary, then this news is for you only. Yes, many people like to eat raw onion with food. He likes to eat it in many different forms. But do you know that taking anything in excess can cause harm. Yes, … Read more