Every year, 32 million people lose their lives due to laziness, find out what the study says

Every year, 32 million people lose their lives due to laziness, find out what the study says

Shortcut to 10,000 steps per day: Staying fit despite changing lifestyles and eating habits has become a major challenge. The sedentary lifestyle, in particular, now increases health risks. The risk of cardiovascular diseases increases in particular. The main reason for this is too much physical inactivity. Which has become a major problem not only for … Read more

Include this habit in your daily routine, your age will increase by at least 11 years.

Include this habit in your daily routine, your age will increase by at least 11 years.

Benefits of walking: It’s not easy to find time for yourself in this busy and stressful life. Most people are not physically active. He doesn’t even have time to take a walk. Due to which all kinds of diseases can arise. Numerous studies have shown that walking is extremely beneficial for physical and mental health. … Read more

5 mistakes people often make while walking, you don’t make any mistakes even while walking

5 mistakes people often make while walking, you don’t make any mistakes even while walking

Operating errors: Nowadays, a large number of people do exercises and workouts to stay active and fit. Many people, due to intensive training, take walks in the morning and evening. Walking is also considered great for fitness. However, the benefits of walking are only available when done correctly. Therefore, whenever you go out for a … Read more

खाना खाने के बाद वॉक करना सही है या नहीं? कितने मिनट चलना है सही?

खाना खाने के बाद वॉक करना सही है या नहीं? कितने मिनट चलना है सही?

पैदल चलना या वॉक करने को सबसे बेस्ट एक्सरसाइज माना जाता है. कई रिसर्च में भी यह बात साबित हो चुकी है योग, एक्सरसाइज, जिम डाइटिंग से बेस्ट है पैदल चलना. इससे पूरे शरीर का एक्सरसाइज होता है. वॉक करने से शरीर का पूरा वजन मेंटेन में रहता है साथ ही इसे स्लो एरोबिक कहा … Read more

Walking Benefits: Why You Must Include Post-Meal Walk In Your Daily Routine Right Away

Walking Benefits: Why You Must Include Post-Meal Walk In Your Daily Routine Right Away

Home Health Walking Benefits: Why You Should Include Post-Meal Walking Into Your Daily Routine Right Away Benefits of Walking: Did you know that just walking for 10 to 15 minutes a day can potentially reduce your risk of heart attack and other diseases? Walking Benefits: Why You Should Include Post-Meal Walking Into Your Daily Routine … Read more

Will not exercise and calories will also be burnt… just follow these tips quickly

Will not exercise and calories will also be burnt… just follow these tips quickly

Walking Benefits: People exercise to stay fit. Experts say that the number of calories a person eats in a day. It needs to be burnt. If you are consuming more calories in the diet, then the risk of diseases like obesity, hypertension, diabetes is highest. Some people are not able to exercise even if they … Read more

Walking Benefits: How 11 Minutes of Walking Can Lower Risk Of Heart Attack

Walking Benefits: How 11 Minutes of Walking Can Lower Risk Of Heart Attack

Home Health Walking Benefits: How 11 Minutes of Walking Can Reduce Heart Attack Risk Benefits of Walking: Did you know that just walking for 10 to 15 minutes a day can potentially reduce your risk of heart attack and other diseases? Walking: Taking just a few steps a day can help us lead a long … Read more